viernes, el 16 de septiembre de 2011

Hola from Albuquerque New Mexico y Feliz Cumpleaños madre!!

An easier day then the first 2!! It was a 10 hour day, but gained an hour in New Mexico so I left at 715am and was in Albuquerque by 430pm.

Today’s time and distance calculations were almost bang on. Ten hours and 969 km…almost the same projection for mañana. Tomorrow I hope to make it to Salt Lake City and then on domingo, off to Oregon, somewhere close to Portland.

As I was driving, Bono takes the notes and now it is my job to type them. Some (most?) are just points of interest, things you would see if you drove from Del Rio Texas to Albuquerque NM.

-lots of fireworks stores. Lots!! All closed and only open June 24-July 4 and Dec 15-31.

-here is Wikipedias info on Amistad National Park. Looks like a huge park and at 730am I saw no less then a dozen pick ups pulling their boats and heading to this park.

-bombing down the highway and 15 minutes after leaving Del Rio, you encounter a full immigration checkpoint

-lots (LOTS) of immigration patrols and vehicles. The route to NM runs right along the Mexican border

-bombing down the highway? Speed limit is 75…mas o menos 5!! Ja ja ja

-made 110km in the first hour

-big rig accident. It was on it’s side, deep into the ditch…roof of trailer ripped open. Second rig had blown out 2 tires…maybe trying to avoid the collision?

-quite a few small towns…small and almost deserted

-some beautiful scenery

-everyone wears a cowboy hat, GWGs and drives a pick up

-435km in the first 4 hours

-into NM…speed limit on same road is now 65 mph. huh?

-Carlsbad NM? You might hear about it…I did not see anything there…but there is a sign that talks about the Caverns. Here is some light reading from Wikipedia

-speed limit in Loving NM? 35 mph

-1045am (1145 before time change)…time for IHOP!! Had the sampler…gal forgot to place my beverage order…it was gratis. Lots of old timers in there…me included!! Ja ja ja

-no helmet law in NM…no less then 100 Harleys were seen during the day

-the terrain is flat and then more flat

-just outside Roswell NM is Lake Van

-took the truck route around Roswell…no UFO sightings…but tons of pecan trees

-saw quite a few signs about 4-H clubs. I knew it had something to do with agriculture. Do you know about 4-H? More info from our friends at Wikipedia.

Head, heart, hands and health. Who knew?

Oh deer.

All of a sudden, some 20 minutes past Encino NM, there were no less then 50 to 60 deer. The other 59 were camera shy.

-driving into Albuquerque from Del Rio is like driving through the Fraser Canyon…with 3 lanes of traffic.

-they have casinos here…cha ching

-lots off Native Americans here….or First Nations as they are called in Canada

-stopped into a Walmart and was in shock. After 8 months with such a limited selection in Huatulco, I could not believe how big the Superstore was, and how many items are available to buy.

-Subway for dinner…trying to stay fit like Jared.

And folks…that was the drive here.

Since arriving, I have eaten the sub, did a load of wash and had a MJ chat with Melon, mis padres y Bexico.

El camioneta? Not 100%...but should be ok…knock on wood everyone!!! Problem? It is Supercharged…also known as a gas guzzler, but it has been even worse today. Engine sounds a tad rough, every time I gear up from first, it sounds like the supercharger is kicking in…but with no evidence in any extra power. Keep it at 3000 rpm and she purrs and uses the normal amount of gas.

Four more days!! Fingers crossed and off to Burnaby Nissan to get it looked at. Glad I brought the bottle of tequila for my long distance service advisor!!

Time to chillax and then I will figure out what to do about telling you all about miercoles y jueves!!


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