Wednesday September 21, 2011

Ahhhh…we just finished rainy season in Huatulco and it has either just started here, or based on many comments, it has just continued.

What a busy day…and a day where we got a lot accomplished.

Had a great chat with the teller at the bank. I was depositing the $$ from N&A for all the B10 work I had paid for, and the teller was fascinated with the whole Mexico y niño story.

Then off to el gimnasio and had a great work out. They even have a/c there and I ended up drinking only 1.5 litros of agua. Muy diferente working out when the temperature is less then 40!! Ja ja ja

Hola to a few amigos that still work there and ended up listening to more horror stories about living in or visiting Mexico. Come on folks….yes there are some VERY dangerous places. But if you avoid the drug dealers and the places they frequent, you are a-ok!!

And I must tell you, for such a poor country, I have NEVER seen a situation like Hastings Street in Mexico. I may see shantys and poor peeps, but for such a prosperous city and country, how does Vancouver end up with 100’s of people that look like they are drugged out, or homeless or both?

Had to swerve several times to miss jay-walking people who are clearly on drugs and a few who clearly have some mental health issues.

Stop worrying about Mexico and see what you can do about the 200 people that were lined up around Oppenheimer Park looking for a free meal.

And I will now get off my soap box.

Off to Safeway where I made the conscious decision to buy only items I know we need, not just want. And saved $25 by using the Safeway card!! Ja ja ja

Almost bought some Crown. Goose, what do you know about the Black or the Cask 16? $100 bones a bottle?

Crown Royal or diapers? Ja ja ja

Headed back to Stupid Store and saved another $10 in HST. Loaded up again…we already have one blue bin full…and we have been here a week!!

But it is all stuff we need and will use here and then take the extra back to Huatulco.

Got the cell phone all figured out and have some added minutes until next month when my new 3 month plan kicks in!! Mark from Rogers seemed to be excited about the Mexican stories.

And then off to Park Royal, home of tax free shopping. And don’t blame me for any lack of $$ to take care of the drug addicts. I also wasn’t here to vote, so you cannot pin any of the $1.4 billion that BC will now repay Ottawa for voting against the HST.

What a day of shopping at the Royal. But first a quick hola to Kirsty at MS. A good amiga and I miss working with her.

What did we end up with?

-speakers for the stereo
-dvd/blu ray player
-chair for Bexico’s oficina
-some Home Depot supplies
-some Old Navy gear…including 2 pairs of flip flops (formal Mexican footware) for $3
-hello…more Nike socks…buy one bag of 6, other bag is ½ off
-Burton t-shirt
-a ton of niño stuff at Shoppers
-some supplies at Staples
-two great fry pans
-some towels (didn’t really need them for Mex, but the ones here are a tad rough)
-another camera battery

And I am sure I am forgetting stuff. Most of it on sale (the guy at Future Shop loved our Mexican plan and gave us huge discounts) and all on the “card”.

But it did mean a late day and our dinner of HH wasn’t ready until 815pm. Almost the same time as a Mexican dinner.

Bexico is busy working away. She has landed a small contract and will try to land a larger on come Friday.

Mañana? Nissan first thing and with the help of mecanico Bexico, we have discovered the “clunk” is coming from the rear is due to a loose “multi-leaf” spring.

Hopefully it does not all add up to be too much $$ as it looks like the markets are tanking again…and again…and again. Ja ja ja

If I have wheels tomorrow night, it looks like some suds with mi amigo.

I still owe you 2 days of notes…still coming.

Hasta luego. 

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