lunes, el 5 de septiembre de 2011

Buenos noches all!!

The torrential rain has ended and we are at a very refreshing 26,0 grados!!! The clima today has been overcast all day…and then the lluvia.

Before we continue…Feliz Cumpleaños to mi sobrino, Sullivan!! Happy 14th birthday.

Not too crazy of a day, but I am sure the next 8 will be.

Stopped off at CFE and paid the electric bills…anticipo a cuenta…anticipating the bill. We won’t get bills until mid October, but want to make sure both G10 y B10 are all caught up so they don’t cut off the power while we are away.

Would that happen? Telmex sent us a pay immediately bill for August, because we shorted July by $10 pesos…less then $1 Cdn!!

Gym was the gym…good work out and very tranquillo. I do miss mi amiga Rosa as I was learning many more palabras when she worked there.

Today I did learn the palabra gancho…hook. Bexico and I took a walk to a ferretería and bought some toalla gancho…towel hooks for B10. 

Despues de el gimnasio, I came home as there was a light drizzle. As I was walking through the complex, I was stopped by one of the full time residents, a senora named Lydia, and she asked me about niño. This happens often and the questions are all the same…when is niño due? Boy or girl? Here or in Canada? Names? etc

The drizzle stopped and Bexico and I did a short walk around town. We confirmed where we are having dinner before we both hit the road on the 14th…hello El Rigoletti!!

Bought the ganchos and then a quick hola to Lalo. Business everywhere in town is very quiet. Everyone is waiting for the cruise ships in October and the first charter flights in November.

Popped in for a few verdura and then home for alberca time. And then down came the torrential downpour!!
It lasted for an hour or so and then we were off to Che. And $1200 pesos later, we were done our shopping. Why the $98 Cdn bill? Hello new toaster for B10, a nice door mat and $129 for laundry soap. Tough call on the soap…5 litros for $129 or 6 litros for $180? Hello Mexico!!

We have planned out our meals for the next 8 days and will be minimizing any waste…and the perishable will go to the Condo Pacifico team if they so desire.

What are we out of already? Hello Cajun spice and Crown Royal!!

And what agonizes me more then being out of Crown Royal? Bexico realizing that Aeroplan has rebooked her seats and did not give her aisle as I had originally booked and had requested when I talked to them last week. Add a Magic Jack call to my to do list for mañana!!

Bexico update? No news from China, Australia is 100% happy and once he pays, Bexico will send him a non-watermarked copy of his animation and Bexico’s last client loves her roughs and that means she cleans them up and colors them. No other current work, but she has applied for many projects. It just goes this way…sometimes very little work and other times it just pours in….we are not worried.

And I think mañana we will call Apple and see what can be done with the old Mac and if it is as we suspect, we will order a new one for her.

Fotos for the day?

Some colorful fotos of peeps hard at work.

This is a senorita who works at one of the many comedors in the mercado.

You often see them making deliveries as many businesses have only one person watching the shop, and cannot get away for la comida…lunch.

Misc foto.

Just a padre y hijo out for a ride.

Here are some muebles/madera hombres.

I had never seen them park this close to centro. All of their muebles are made of pino.

And the carpinteros reminded me that I want to see our mesa before it is delivered on sábado. I think I will pop in at Mary y Jose on miercoles o jueves.

You know who this is!!

Here is a sign for a tienda de ropa…a clothes store.

And of course they paid to have the sign painted on both sides.

Not sure if they expected that though!! Ja ja ja

This is the spice wall in Fruver, our local verdura tienda.

Now if I knew what more of the spices were…I might buy some.

And who wants to see more gatos?

Four days and no sign of our complex gatos, Negra y Blanco, but Hector (silent H) tells us that he saw Blanco today.

And those are the fotos.

Mañana? Aeroplan…Apple…install some ganchos…maybe go to Nissan to get that part installed. We also have some Bexico blood tests this week so we might waddle over to the lab to confirm the instructions.

Hasta mañana amigos.

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