jueves, el 8 de septiembre de 2011

Buenos noches amigos.

Nuevo palabra…word…quemadura…burn…as in quemadura del sol…sunburn!!!

No sun for a week and we were blessed with a mix of sun and cloud this morning, an hour of sun for alberca time, and then some lluvia from 5-7pm and again a little bit (hee x3) again now at 915pm.

Here is the clima above the montaña.

And yup, I did get a sunburn today. No crisis, not too rojo…red.

Talking about weather, here is a nice storm I need to keep an ojo on.

See the mountain range just to the east of Veracruz? The one that runs north-south? The one just west of Tropical Storm Nate?

Well…proxima miercoles y jueves I will be driving north next to that range…just as Nate works its way north and according to this map, will turn into a H2 hurricane. Could be fun…stay tuned.

Great day!! Felt energized after the blast of vitamin D and we spent a few hours in B10 getting some things organized. We had thrown everything into a small bedroom, so that Petra could clean the rest of the condo, and today we emptied that bedroom and then cleaned it as well.

Petra did a good job…there was lots of cobwebs etc, but she isn’t into fine detail and we will follow up with her before she cleans G10 on lunes.

So we put away a bunch of stuff that belong to the owners, and are lucky to have a loft to get it out of our way. Then we moved the queen size colchone from our bedroom into niños and moved the new king size into our room!! We cannot wait…hello!!

The bed extension works great, making the queen size frame into a king. Only thing? The bed is wider then it is longer and my feet hang off the end!! Ja ja ja
Niños room now has a cama with a doble colchon…perfect height for a change pad…and stinky diapers!! And to get our excitement levels up…we put together the cuna, crib.

The condo is not officially ours yet, so we are not moving things in, just getting it ready for the move. We do have Samuel y Moises ready for the move…and a 3 litro bottle of Coke to keep the sugar levels up!!

The rest of Bexico’s day? Workout…still doing 6 a week…git’er done Bexico!! And she has spent quite a few hours in the oficina working on some revisions for projects and applying for others. She has quite a few nibbles, but has run into the same old problem of people not getting back in touch with her. Even if she does not get the contract, at least tell her so. Peeps!!

We both had the alberca time and GREAT pizzas para la cena.

My day? Hola to many peeps as I walk to and from el gimnnasio. It is a great feeling to know so many people by name and to be able to have simple conversations with them.

Today Elder and I chatted up about the Mini that was parked in front of his llanteria. A few days ago it was chatting up mi coco frios amigo about Toyotas vs Nissans and the cost of his business…gas, cocos, labour etc.

And Galdino? He is nuts, but likes to talk to me, and since I like him (and he is HUGE and nuts), I listen!! Ja ja ja

Today he gave me a Rosa update. I guess he saw her in DF and she passed on a hola that he gave me. Rosa also emailed me today. No work yet as her sore arm is still sore. Yikes.

So I say hola to many peeps and hit the gym. There I have a brief chat with Janet as we discuss the fact that I was listening to El Kilo on my iPod, a song en español, and I do not understand the words, but like the song. Janet likes all the music en ingles, but she does not understand the words. We had a good chuckle over that.

Then she went about hanging Día de Independencia decorations. I swear they look like American Thanksgiving decorations (turkeys) in the red, white and green colors of the Mexican flag.

Me? Workout, some cardio and then home for the alberca time.

Here are the fotos from the walk…not too many today.

All this was created by a machete.

And the human lawn mower of course.

Tons of old Bugs here.

I guess they used to be manufactured in Puebla Puebla (city, estado) and the last one rolled out of the factory on July 30, 2003.

If you need to paint a camion de cemento and you are worried about rain, you string up a tarp.

The “mist” you see hanging above the truck? Paint.

And even here, the pink (pinkish) cars of Mary Kay.

A talented senora.

And no this is not our amiga.

But un otro gatito negro.

After the pool and working on B10, I was off to Nissan y Che. Nissan was soooo empty due to the lluvia. Good news…maybe…my part will be in the shop for 10am, which is great as I planned on being there at 10am for Javier to clean out my fuel line and put in a new filtro de gasolina…two things he did not do last time. I made sure Carlos, mi amigo y service manager, was aware that I was not happy about Javier forgetting to do this. Need to keep negocio y friendship separate.

Che was Che. We are running down the pantry and frozen goods…including the frozen NY bagels we bought!! But I did buy some Libbey beer mugs…haven’t seen those around here before.

Came home, watched the end of the pelicula Invictus and ate la cena…and you are caught up.

Busy couple of days coming up!! On top of our normally busy viernes (ja ja ja), I have Nissan and first thing in the morning we are off to get Bexico’s blood work done.

Have a great Friday.

Marco y Bexico

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