Sabado Noviembre 27, 2010

Howdy all!!

A quiet Sabado here in Huatulco, but here is the update.

Had a great sleep and then went off to the gym. First I stopped in to catch up with Lalo. I found out he had been up late a few days ago as he had to get in a Mexican line up at 2am to get a replacement ID, something he needed for a credit application.

I guess he lost his ID in Acapulco and now wants to buy some electronics at a 0% interest rate, with 52 weekly payments.

The peeps that can provide the ID, only come to town a few times and there is no official announcement. They are here for 3 days and day one is quiet because no one knows they are here. Day two and three are lined up as word has spread via radio, taxi and overall word of mouth. He got into line at 2am, and was Segundo (2nd) in line. By 9am when they opened, there were doscientos (200) people in line behind him…and they only had 85 numbers (as in “number are next”) to hand out…many angry Mexicans he said. Welcome to Mexico!!

There is an interesting story attached to this photo.

On the way to the gym I stopped to take a photo of the man carrying boxes of zapatos on his back…a portable shoe salesman. In the background you can see the Fonatur guy in charge of cleaning up the block. It is his block to keep clean and no one else will do it.

As I put my camera away, the cleaning guy asked me in Espanol, how much was the camera? I don’t like flashing prices etc, so I told him a low number and then asked if I could take his photo…con permisso? He then said he would return on Lunes to the same spot and I could take it then. Kinda bizarre conversation…maybe he was in a hurry…maybe on Monday he will return in a tuxedo? Or with his gang? Lol

Continuing onto the gym, I found an addition to the “what’s for sale in the back of this pick up?” series.

It looks like patio furniture from the 70’s? Something the Brady Bunch or the Partridge family used?

Gym was ok…tenso glutios so the bike was more of a stretch vs cardio. I spent some time chatting up Logan, Ghimbeli’s hijo as well as telling Ghimbeli about the week. I tell you, learning how to say temblor and terremoto (earthquake) added a whole new dimension to my conversations!! Logan is a nice nino and now calls me Marcos and looks forward to meeting me again proximo Sabado (next Saturday), the only day I see him.

Here is a photo of Ghimbeli and Logan.

Headed home and stopped in at Home Depot #2 to get the price on a chica pala. It was $85 pesos so I checked in at Jonathon’s, but they did not have one that was chica. Back to the other store and here is what I bought.

Pala is shovel, and since it is feminine and ends with an “a”, small is chica vs chico.  Entiendo? Understand? It is only a 2 foot long pala.

And why did I need a chica pala? I am going to use it at Mojon along with this.

It is a strainer around 18 inches wide that I bought for $45 pesos along with a plastic container that it can sit on, for another $70 pesos. I will shovel some sand into the strainer to strain out all the small pieces of thorns etc that were in the sand on our lot. Soon we will have super soft sand!! This project will start manana.

The alambre poo-ass (barbed wire) project will start once I am sure the price I am being charged in Huatulco is fair. No real worry about trespassers at Mojon, it is more about ensuring squatters would not move in. They do have squatter rights in Mexico…we need not worry as long as we make our property look like it has an owner.

Came home and had some quality alberca time and that leads us to now.

630pm here and since North Korea hasn’t bombed anyone today, I will go make la cena…hamburguesa con pickle…what a treat!! Lol We already had our ensalada and I have some mucho roja sandia waiting for me too!!

Manana is Mojon and some NFL Espanol in the afternoon. The Grey Cup is on at Senor Pucks…but not my gig.

Amigo, enjoy your game in Seattle and have a Widmer Hefe for me!! Or bring some up to Vancouver for January…hmmm?

Hasta luego.

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