Jueves Noviembre 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving to all our blog followers from the USA.

It is Jueves…almost Viernes Negra…Black Friday for the shoppers up North.

What a day….considering we slept in until almost 10am!! Not so bad for Bexico who worked late, until 230am or so. But what is my excuse after going to sleep at 1030pm or so? Ah  Mexico!!

After desayunos, it was off to the gym. On the way I took these three photos.

This first one is from "vendor row" and shows three vendors in a row.

The first vendor is selling poinsettias, the second has got the furniture for sale (I even saw a catalogue) and the last one is the plant vendor.

I often see these carts around town and am impressed at how hard the staff work to make a living.

They sell bebidas (beverages) as well as bolsas de chicharron…bags of fried pork rinds. Yummy!!

And this is another in the series of the “what’s for sale in the back of the pick up?” photos.

Today it was propane stoves.

As for the gym, it was a great workout but no escolar today, as I was in a hurry to get home and go to Mojon. I did stop off at Home Depot to talk with Jonathon. He is not as fluent in Ingles as I first thought, but this is great as it makes both of us work harder for the conversation.

I did ask his young hermano “hablo Ingles?” and he stared at me. I then introduced myself (in Espanol) and asked his name. Not 5 minutes later I hear him tell his mom “he asked my name”…in Ingles!! Lol They just are shy to use Ingles…self confidence?

I bought some clavo at 1 peso per piece…20 for $20 pesos. They are also available by the kilo, but don’t need that many!! I will use the clavo (nails) to hang bags etc at the palapa. We worked for 10 minutes on barbed wire and got all the way to alambre (wire), but then I had to draw a picture. I am such a bad artist, but Jonathon got it and we went out back to find rolls of alambre de puas. The Spanish word pua means sharp point.

I need the barbed wire to replace the corroded wire at Mojon. I was quoted $500 pesos for 300 meters of the thinner gauge and $700 for an unknown quantity of a thicker gauge. I will check around and if they are close in price, I will head back and pick up a roll. 

As for the cutters…I was quoted $600 for a corta perno. Corta comes from the verb cut and I cannot find out what perno means. Anyone? Either way, that is rich and I think that is a gringo price. Will update you once price comparison is complete.

We bolted for Mojon quite late, passed through Copalita without being stopped, and arrived at Mojon around 2pm. The palapa is a sight for sore eyes, but today it was not as necessary as it was partly sunny and partly overcast with light clouds. No complaints as it is better then what Vancouver experienced!!

A dog owned by Scott, our local Newf, ended up joining us. Scott has lived here for two years and does some work with Roman, and is also the proud owner of the only wooden house I have ever seen built in Huatulco!!

Here is our photo essay of our time with the dog. He is part and/or all one of those Shepard type dogs. All about fetching (a coconut) and FULL of energy!!

After the playa, it was a quick stop by the military at Copalita, where I asked one soldier if his ropa (I need to look up “uniform”) was hot and he laughed and said no. I told him it was mucho calor for a Canadian. We were asked for passports (not sure why or if the military are legally allowed to) and flashed them our new FNI (forma non Imigrante) cards, which seemed to impress the soldier. I had shown the cards to the second soldier and he pointed me to the first guy…I asked “patron?” (the boss) and he said si.

Stopped at Nissan and it looks like una semana for the part has turned into dos (two) as we will head back Martes (Tuesday) and see if it has arrived.

Quick stop at Che where we loaded up and had our groceries bagged by one of the friendlier school kids. Bexico likes her because she reminds her of Munchie, her niece. This girl at Che is the Mexican Munchie!!

La cena was pollo pechuga with some funky tomato arroz (rice) and pequeno ensalada mixta con 1000 Isle salsa (dressing).

And now you are all up to date!!

I did find out from mi padre that the reason los padres flight was late was a delay in Acapulco on Lunes.

Manana? Gym, check out alambre de puas prices and see what else comes our way.

Hasta luego amigos.

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