Sabado Noviembre 13, 2010

Sabado (saba-do vs sa-ba-do) is here!!
Quiet Saturday in Huatulco. Bex was up early for work and once I got up and ate mi desayunos, I was off to the gym.

As I left the condo, I managed to have a conversation with Ricardo at the gate. Ricardo, una pregunta. Mi madre y padre visitar Martes por una semana. Esta firma necessito? His reply was “a que hora…? I answered 6 and he then asked dia o noches? I said noches and he then replied “no problemo”. Well that got me no where so I pointed to the ledger and asked “firma necessito” and he said “si”. Long and short, M&D need to sign the ledger when they come to visit and stay for the week. Not sure why, but we had to sign it as well.

At the gym, Rosa and Ghimbli greeted me at shift change and we had a great 20 minute catch up. She knew all about the highway closure and we talked about the trip Bexico and I took to Santa Maria de Huatulco.

Bex wanted me to give the gym our phone number…just in case of emergency. After a 10 minute attempt, they both understood why I wanted them to have the number and if need be, to call an ambulancia first and then Bex!! I could not convey that I wanted them to write the number down, but we got to an understanding that the number was in my libro (book) which is always in my knap sack.

I did learn that Ghimbli does know RCP (CPR) in case I have a heart attack.

Said adios to Rosa and hit the bicicleta. Ghimbeli’s hijo, Logan, and I had a great conversation…too bad I did not understand most of it. He has warmed up to me, even though he cannot understand how it is possible that I do not understand him.

I feel at home in the gym and today I found out Jay-oh’s real name and no wonder I could not pronounce it. He has dos nombre (two names) and is called Guillermo Yeudiel and thank goodness the nickname for that is Memo!! What really made me feel good was Memo coming over to me before he left the gym and telling me “hasta Lunes”…until Monday.

Sorry I missed the taxi photo ayer (yesterday). Here is photo #22…and currently the last one, as #23 is too blurry…but might need to be used in the future!!

Not sure about the next project…but I have a few ideas. Stay tuned.

I came home from the gym and we had some alberca time and then headed out to pick up veggies, a paletta for Bexico and to quickly touch base with Lalo and the boys.

On the way, we saw three of these high tech strawberry sales vehicles.

On the way home, we saw one Municipal Policia vehicle with 5 officers that ride in it, stopped by the barrows. I guess they were being told to move because they either did not have permits or someone higher up the chain wanted them to stop poaching their sales.

I took this fun photo at Gabriel the Owls. A bit fuzzy as Lalo did not know it was being taken.

And at the veggie store, this photo was taken.

I am curious how many people are truly reading this blog. Can you please take your guess at what vegetable is shown and then send me an email at The number of replies and the correct answer to be question will be posted soon.

Home for hamburguesa Sabado and then multi tasked by watching The Aviator on DVD while streaming the Canucks 5-3 win over the Leafs via the internet.

I also managed to talk with my brother for the first time since we left Vancouver. Using our Magic Jack (google it) with our Vancouver number, I managed to call him and chat via the computer, calling his Vancouver number while he was sitting in the back of a taxi in Singapore. Gotta love technology!!!

Mexicoism….the basura (garbage) truck. It drives around La Crucecita, but they do not pick up basura…they stop and you throw your own garbage into the truck. Thank goodness the condo has it’s own system!!

Manana…off to La Bocana for sun and possibly some surfing. Hope to come back to the condo to watch some NFL in Espanol and maybe the Nascar race via the internet. Only two more races in the season!!

Until manana!!

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