Jueves Noviembre 4, 2010

Hola. It has been a short day, thus I am able to update and post the blog early.

Bexico was up early for yoga, which she seems to truly enjoy. Me, I was up at 8 and picked Bex up at 930am’ish so we could go to Migracion. Before I left home, I swear I felt a small earth quake.

The building where the yoga studio is located has a turtle pond and a very nice (and expensive) casa accessory store.

Arrived at Migracion at 10am and there was only one other person in front of us in the line up. But that does not mean things move fast. Lol It seems the counter people try to multi task several clients at a time, but seem to only take twice as ling as if they had just finished with one client.

Any way, it took an hour to get to the counter and we spent an hour at the counter. More papers to sign, fingerprints to be taken and ta da…

These are good for a year and allow us to keep the truck here legally. They also allow us to start working on the villas etc. There was a problem when they laminated Bexico's, so they are calling the local office to see if they can issue her a new one!!

While we waited at the counter, we chatted up a couple from Calgary who were trying to get their Forma de No Immigrante…in less then a week. We wished them well and explained the process as they too had thought it would be a quick affair and that the visas they picked up in Canada would expedite things. They seemed to know enough about Huatulco, but I left them our email address in case they had any questions about the drive down and/or Huatulco.

We also had the “pleasure” again, of seeing this old European lady and her husband. Yikes. She is just sooo rude and essentially yells at Sandra, the head Migracion person in the office. But they must have some pull because they get away with it. I guess this couple have lost some of their papers, or over stayed the visa and now they are to be fined etc etc. Nasty peeps.

Sandra came out to see how we were doing in life, asked about our Espanol and I reminded her that we were “sympatico Canadianses”…friendly Canadians. That always makes her laugh…tough job she has.

Came home, hit the gym and as I got back and was ready for some alberca time, the clouds rolled in. Oh well. It does make things cooler.

No news from Telmex so we will call our installer and see when he can come over.

It is now 430pm, here is the 15th photo for you collecting all. If you are missing one, drop me a line and I will send it to you.

This is from Conejos, where the really rich of Huatulco live. I showed the collection to the boys at the jewelry store and besides the ones I have, I know about 4 that I am missing and they filled me in on another 5 or so. Phew…got some work to do.

Great day on the markets I think (according to CNN). Perhaps they are reflective of Gordo stepping down as Premier? Either way, one step closer to Casa de Dos Conejos.

Until manana


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