Miercoles Noviembre 17, 2010

A long day in paradise!!

We had desayunos and then took M&P (madre y padre) for a quick escort to the town square, the zocolo. They have been there before and know their way home so they were all good. They also had the pleasure of meeting the town’s mayor, Lalo.

It was nice to show them a round and to introduce them to peeps we have met since we got here…the boys at the gate, Oscar, Gabriel the paramaedic etc.

Bexico and I went to the upscale gym to get our sweat on and then came back for alberca time. Madre loves the pool and Padre loves the shade.

One day down and Bexico has managed to eak out some time to do her work between helping clean, cook and make ensaladas!!

Quite a few Canadians have flown in to use their condos…they do seem to enjoy being loud and boisterous at the alberca as the have a few ‘Ronas and smoke like a chimney. Darn gringos…lol!!

Took M&D to the panificdora to pick up the pan and treat and then off to Che for a few groceries. Our cena was the chorizo y pollo pasta…and Che is stocking the smoked chorizo again…soooo good.

It was movie Wednesday so off to the theatre and we watched a fun and silly movie RED. Four adults for $100 pesos…less then $9 CDN.

Then it was home time and we are all pooped.

Manana, Bexico is off to yoga bright and early and other then my gym and of course the alberca, we have no set plans. Correction…la cena manana is hamburguesa!! That is set.

I do need to get the truck looked at though. Hmmmmm?

Viernes I am going to drop everyone off at La Bocana and then meet Roman at Mojon. And then Sabado is a day trip to Mojon for all of us and not sure about Domingo. I doooo really want to watch the race…will have to see if that fits in.

Madre would love an ocean swim and Mojon and La Bocana are more surf beaches, so we will have to look at a local beach (maybe Santa Cruz) for either Monday or Tuesday.

Sounds like Ruta 200 is still closed heading to Puerto, but I might drive M&P up to Santa Maria de Huatulco to see a little culture.

Must now go see if I can update Madre in regards to Survivor…we don’t get that channel here.

Until manana


PS Manana I will try to spice up the blog with some more photos!! Lo siento.

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