Miercoles Noviembre 10, 2010

It is Miercoles…buenos noches!!

It has been a fun filled day.

Got up and went to the gym. On the way I saw these plants being sold in the park.

This is the popular area to set up your shop as it has a busy intersection. This is where the previous photos of the guys selling jeans and the chairs were taken, as well as were the mobile comidors are located.

A bit (hee hee hee) further on the way to the gym, I saw these guys taking their morning break.

They work at the hielo and agua plant and I see them almost every day. The lady at the left rolls up her cart and serves these guys bebidas, sopa (soup) and tortillas.

It was a quick session at the gym, as we had to meet Roman at noon. Hurried home and off we went, stopping at Telmex to drop off a thank you card for Christina.

Stopped at La Bocana on the way to Mojon so Bexico could chat up Adam, the surfin Aussie. She wanted to talk to him about costs of boards in Puerto, as well as if he allowed us to take his board from La Bocana to Mojon.

Spent 20 minutes at La Bocana and loaded up her rental board. No stop at the military checkpoint and off to Mojon.

On the way to Mojon, you pass the Copalita River as well as the small barra (village) of Copalita. Here is what their taxis look like!!

Once at Mojon, we unloaded the goods and I went to chat up Roman.

He was at Terry’s casa, the orange one in the far right of Mojon photos. Terry is from Edmonton…hope to finally meet him when he returns in December. Roman, his Newfie partner Scott, and I talked about solar, building costs, aluminum vs pvc windows and then went to our lot to talk about ideas etc. Quite exciting.

When we were done talking, I was off to our umbrella to watch Bex catch some big waves…for the first time on a hard board vs soft board.

This friend followed me from where we had parked our truck and then down to the umbrella. 

The sand is dark and HOT, so the dogs like to avoid it and this gal found the shade of our umbrella to her liking.

Here is Bexico headed out and then coming in.

 She had a great day and managed to surf some of the biggest waves she has tackled yet.

And after a hard day at the playa, siesta time for all.

After the siestas, we packed up and dropped the board off at La Bocana. We couldn’t find Adam, so we will have to go back and pick up Bex’s driver license, which she had left when we rented the board. Maybe Sabado or Domingo with her new board and my new boogie board?

Stopped at Super Che for some groceries (carne melida…ground beef for manana’s chili), lleno con premium at Pemex (full with premium) and then headed home. No movie tonight as we are pooped. Has anyone seen the movie Red, the one with Helen Mirren and Bruce Willis? Please drop us a comment.

Manana is a casual day with yoga for Bex and the gym for me. Viernes we are headed to Puerto….road trip!!

Hope all is well for all of you.

Hasta luego.

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