viernes, el 4 de abril de 2014

Hey was OUR sleep last night?

Enough said...yikes!!

Up at 550am, but a rough night. Videos at 623am and then Poppa woke up at 715am when Max said "no more videos".

Off to the Palacio for tranquilo time, onto a huge desayunos and then off for a quick prowl as we grabbed some fixings for mañana's Bubba Fajitas on playa Mojon.

Then onto Sorianas, where we found everything that was on our lista...except a large bottle of vinegar. Próxima semana at Super Che!!

Home for leche and a good siesta and onto comida. I headed out to el gimnasio and then came home to clean up and get us ready for esta noche.

The familia ate their comida, did a quick prowl around centro and then took the bus to playa Santa Cruz.

I will be meeting them there in 45 minutos. ¿Por que? Through social media, Bex found out their play-date had been cancelled because the Housewives/Mothers of Huatulco were taking their niños to an Easter Egg hunt in Santa Cruz.

Hello...Easter Egg hunt? I have Easter on my calendar as April 20? Welcome to Mexico. Heck, I didn't even know they were into the Bunny.

So, we will be searching for eggs in 40,0 grado heat...check back mañana for fotos!! We will race home and eat la cena, an easy to prepare dinner, and then get Max back on schedule for bedtime. Based on last night's results, I am not sure it matters. Ja ja ja

He does fall asleep waaaaaay easier, he just doe not stay asleep.

And you are all caught up. Yes, there are a few fotos from the prowl....

There is a wall by the "recycling" area, a good spot to get Max to stand still so his Poppa can take a few fotos.

Check the manos...he might be flashing gang signs?

He wanted a foto the boiling sun. But would not look at the camera!!

Mañana...playa Mojon and then on domingo...hola hola to Race Day!!

Buen fin de semana y hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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