domingo, el 6 de abril de 2014

And with the lil'man asleep next to me, time to start typing away.

Buenos tardes!! Our clocks changed last night, and if Max had not drank 3 litres of agua before bed, we would have slept in until 7am!!

But...I was awoken with a "dry panale please" and that was at 6am...5am without the time change. There was some man snugs until 645am and then onto the usual rutina.

Videos, tranquilo time, desayunos and then onto a bici tour. Today's destination was the campo de futbol, the soccer pitch.

A straight forward ride, straight down calle Carrizal, and once there, we saw that Sunday is sports day!!

A few futbol matches on,  and some basketball too, but lots of area for Max to go riding...and falling. Only one time, and some peeps were about to jump to his rescue, but I told them thank you, but mirar, watch.

Max got up, dusted himself off, got a hug from Poppa and off he went.

Even with the added hour, it was hot out...lots of agua and attempts at staying in the sombra....tough to do when you are trying to keep up with Speedy Max.

We wheeled home and after some leche and Momma time, Max was lights out...and still is.

Time for the fotos!!

I cannot recall what it was, but it sure caught Max's attention. Maybe a gato?

But it sure put a cheeky grin on his face!!

Adios to a taxista amigo.

And adios to his padre!! There is a curb at the end of the sidewalk, and Max knows to stop there...all safe!!

We are on a narrow'sih sidewalk that runs right next to a 20 feet deep canal...muy peligro. Max was not pleased about having to stay between me and the wall...and then Poppa made him stop for a foto. Oh Poppa!!

Hey Max, where is the canal?

And how much do you like Poppa taking all these fotos?

The basketball courts.

And here is the lil'racer himself. I sat on a brick, in the shade, and Max wheeled around.

Off roading.

Note the familia...all amazed at the niño and his bici. These are the same peeps that were ready to come to Max's rescue when he turned the handle bars too hard and went down.

Max would come over to me and I would send him on search missions. This one was to touch the azul poste, with the lampara on top. He missed the mark and was headed onto an active campo...until the hombre in the green lassoed him.

No trouble finding the paloma nest on the top of this poste!!

All that wheeling...time for some agua before heading home.

Ayer, yesterday, you may recall that it was our playa Mojon afternoon. Once there, we had a great time as there was a nice breeze and the oceano was refreshing!! The viento picked up as Poppa started the BBQ, but the fajitas were cooked and eaten without issue.

And how was the drive to playa Mojon? Maybe the one foto I took can describe what happened.

Yup, that would be the cover to Max's niño silla, drip drying after getting a cleaning in the oceano. Bexico took care of cleaning off Max, and herself (ugh), as well as the cover, and I took care of the back seat in the car as well as the actual seat...turkey...yeck.

Poor guy...but he handled it like a trooper. He has not been car sick for soooo long and he let us know it was coming...but didn't warn Bex about round 2!! We were 1 minute away from the dirt road leading to the playa (of course we were), but we stayed calm and thus, Max stayed calm.

A quick clean before we drove the last 5 minutes, and then we spent the first 20-25 minutes on round 2 of clean up. Of course Max, feeling waaaay better, wants to know why his padres are not playing with him yet. Oh Max!!

And when we came home last night, the cover was thrown in the washing machine and the whole seat and cover was re-installed today. The trick to doing that in 35,0 grado heat? Move the front seats as far forward as possible...and crank the air con!!

Buenos tardes. A good siesta, not the longest, but it will get us back on track for Max's bedtime. The familia has headed out to playa Santa Cruz, and for the 3rd time this season, I am on rain delay, this time due to a wet track in Texas. Argh. But is the Duck Dynasty 500!!!

Oh well, lots to do...pollo parmesano para la cena!!

Have a great día y hasta mañana!!

Marco, Bexico y Max

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