jueves, el 3 de abril de 2014

And then on the 5th day, Telmex gave us internet!! Max and I spotted this camioneta and chatted up the trabajadore, and he took down our info...we were hopeful!! A few hours later, 2 hombres came by and 5 minutos later...ta da. We waited 5 days for 5 minutes of service!!

But now that we again have the ability to read up on the comings and goings in the news, we discover that it was a lot less depressing when we were internet challenged.

Let's see...another Army base shooting, the Canucks continue to stink up the league (I am still a fan!!), and...David Letterman is retiring?

I think some of you were enjoying the fact that I was keeping the writing brief and not telling you what we were eating para la cena? Oh well...that is all over now!! ja ja ja

And yes, it is a Bubba Burger noche here in Huatulco!!

A good sleep for Max and at 645am Poppa took over from Bex. Usual AM rutinas, but today we went for a special prowl...con carretilla, wheelbarrow!! Max has the steering thing down to a tee and we wheeled through town, including the mercado, with a ton of peeps smiling at him and a few asking where we bought the wheelbarrow.

Home for leche and a good siesta and when we awoke, onto comida. We decided that today was not a playa Mojon day as it was super windy and it would take some time to get us geared up and packed up.

We are still trying to figure out if we are going mañana, or sticking to our usual rutina of going on sábado. Stay tuned.

So post comida, I was off to el gimnasio and then home for a quick casa clean up. The familia took a hot prowl around town, dropping off a few of the new muscle shirts at the telas so they could get taken in. And when they came home...leche and then familia swim!!

Currently 445pm and as the familia continues the swim, I type away and will start cooking la cena soon.


Hey Max, want to look into the camera so I can take your foto?

No? Instead, you are going to hug an arbol that has hormigas on it? Oh Max!!

Prowling the CP grounds...first stop was the alberca.

There is ALWAYS time to stop and admire a sprinkler!!

Finally...a pose.

Followed by the "ok Poppa, enough with the fotos" look.

Look who we found hiding in the planter.

Road trip for Polly, el gato.

An adios abrazo.

Big sale. The carpinteros must have been bust anoche, last night.

Ok...no need for you to know how dinner was, if we had a FT con Oma y Opa and then what time Max went to bed.

So...hasta mañana!!

Marco, Bexico y Max

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