miercoles, el 16 de abril de 2014

Too cool Maxo Waxo!!

Buenos tardes!! Almost dinner time and where is the familia? Bex is somewhere that 15 years ago (mas o menos), I would NEVER have expected her to be!! She is in the CP alberca, with Max, and 3 other madres and their niños!! Bex is a yummy mummy...having play group. Ja ja ja

A great start to the day...615am wake up!! Score!! A few wake ups during the noche, but we have been blessed with a few nights where Max was asleep before 745pm. Huh? Who knows what is going on in that mind of his, but a 10.5 hour sleep...we will take it!!

But what is new? Shorter siestas. Max now wakes up after 90 minutos and wants no more of the siesta...time to go go go.

So, this morning we had our usual rutina, videos, tranquilo time, huge desayunos and then onto a good tour with the bici.

Home for leche and the short siesta, and then onto our afternoons. Comida and then el gimnasio for me, while the familia had some play time, comida and then a prowl around centro before the amigas arrived for pool time.

And that was our day. So...onto the fotos.

Headed out for the AM tour, but first a few fotos sin casco.

There is always time to stop and smell the flowers.

Pylon pit stop.

Today's rally in the zocalo. Spot "The Max"?

This niño followed Max around the zocalo for at least 15 minutos. He was muy amable, friendly, just intrigued with the lil'güero and the bici.

Click HERE to see what the meaning of güero is. Today I heard a family calling their niña güera.

A few Max poses.

Un jardinero, gardener.

So many volchos, so many ways to dismember them. I am sure those doors do not have airbags!!

And from ayer, madre scored a few keepers using the crappy Sony DSC W730!!

Here, Max is trying to figure out why all the peeps are at his usually deserted playa Entrega.

Holy Chilangos Batman!!


Hard at work. Note the buildings on the hill in the background. This is where Bex and I used to stay when we vacationed here.

Having heard of, but having never seen un güero, this niño goes into shock.

Hmmm...adios wacky niño!!

Momma...hot...auga por favor!!


Post siesta...madre y Max...muy tonto as they hide and play in the closet!!

Ok, you are all caught up. Mañana...off to playa Mojon...hot dog jueves!!

Hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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