jueves, el 24 de abril de 2014

Legs crossed means he is "relaxing".

Zoom out a little and we see he is relaxing with the yak pail close by!!

Buenos tardes!!

Hey...wait a minute. It is 1pm and I should be napping with the lil'man!! But someone scooped the nap action from Poppa, and is deep in madre snugs with her hijo!! Oh madre!!

Well...Max is not feeling better. He was awake at 445am and was hot, no fever, clammy skin, and was very thirsty. He also told me he had "sore belly".

Agua'd up and then tried to get him back to sleep....ahhhhhh no. He was low energy and just plain old lethargic, and not wanting to sleep.

We sat up for a while...pail in hand, but nothing happened. Time for the videos and that perked him up a little.

Max was propped up with the iPad in his lap, and the bucket ready to go...so Poppa took this opportunity for some more shut eye.

Due to no movement or "oh oh's", usually caused when he has touched the iPad and lost his Winnie the Pooh show, I woke up to see him fast asleep, still sitting up.

That NEVER happens, and goes to show you how poorly he is feeling. I lay him down, kept Winnie playing, and we both grabbed almost another 2 hours of sleep. Yup...two more hours!!

Awake at 830am, feeling no better and even though we had the a/c on in the room, the lil'man was hot. Time to get madre involved and get some phone calls to the doctors we use.

But before that could happen...touchdown in the bucket!! And not a drop was lost. The lil'guy is a trooper, even when feeling like crap.

All of the doctors we use are not available until this afternoon or tonight...so we comfort the lil'man.

He wanted into his Palacio and after some pan with his madre, and then some dish cleaning, Poppa came into the cocina and the boys made all of us some scrambled huevos y mas pan.

Max was his normal self again, and even ate some of the food. Score!!

Too early for siesta, and he needed to get out of the casa due to casa fever (same as cabin fever), so the boys got dressed and went for a prowl in the shade. We scored on some banana bread and then grabbed some meat y pollo at Poopie Loopie. Wow...the price of a rib eye is some 50% more expensive then it was a year ago.

We paid $160 pesos/kilo, $13.85 Cdn/kilo or $6.29 Cdn/lb. (845pm update.....I just watched a story on the News and they mentioned the prices of beef and pork are on the rise in Canada and the US as well....who knew?)

And right about then...Max lost all steam and immediately was lethargic and wanted to be carried. Again, muy raro that he asks his Poppa to do that...poor niño.

Pit stop at the tienda de plasticos, and then home for apple juice...no leche for now. Siesta time and you are all caught up.

A short prowl, but some fun fotos.

Señor Serio said this is where he wanted the first foto taken.

Ask for a smile, you sometimes get a smile.

Did you yawn as well?

Almost listo for the prowl.

But not having eaten much the past few days, Max wants to check out the sexy belly first.

I think he will be ok!!

Knowing the banana bread was in my pocket, Max finds the first available stoop, and then gives me "the  stare".

Followed by the "pan now Poppa" snarl.

Moments earlier, someone had been caught looking up this dress. Oh Max!!

I haven't the heart to tell him that the poor bird has had it's wings clipped.

Out of gas...time to be carried.

Hey...145pm and the familia is awake!! That and the doctor called, and we are off to see her again at 5pm. We have our day and concerns all translated...wish us luck. If we are not satisfied with the visit, we have 2 more doctors available tonight. Stay tuned.

Ok, off to the gym and then home to check on the lil'patient, who woke up with his madre and then promptly said "Max do good...all puke in pail". Enfermo, feeling crappy, but still hilarious!!

Hasta pronto.

Buenos noches!! Well? Max had a great siesta and then a very good comida...and it all stayed in his belly!! After lunch, Max y madre had a nice swim in the CP alberca and then came upstairs to get ready for our 5pm cita con el doctora.

My afternoon was lunch, el gimnasio, some condo clean up and then I too got ready for the cita.

Max y Bex walked and I met them there in the camioneta verde, so that we could get home quickly and eat dinner.

At 545pm, and having been told the doctor would be there at 510pm and then 540pm...we were outta there!! If Max was showing the signs of still being ill, we would have stayed, but with dinner still needing to be cooked...45 minutes was our testing our limits.

This isn't the first time we have left an oficina as we waited for a doctor, and each time the peeps look at us like we are impatient!! Ja ja ja

Home to cook up Bubba Burgers and then it was go go go to get caught up. Max's appetite returned and we were thrilled to see him eat some burger, pan and tomato!! Score!!

We are a great team and we managed to get dinner cleaned up, Max washed up, a FT con Oma y Opa and into bed by 655pm. I know I was asleep by 750pm and when I woke up at 820pm...so was Max. Oh Poppa!!

And that was our jueves. Stay tuned for hopefully some more good news regarding Max's health. Maybe a no-puke viernes?

Hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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