domingo, el 20 de abril de 2014

In Oxxo, the lil'man is caught stocking up on the cervezas for the trip to playa Mojon. Oh Max!!

Buenos días!!

Can you say hot? We were all up at 530am...a little upset stomach for the lil'man...and it was only 31,0 grados. Yikes!! At 645am, it had cooled to a chilly 29, another 5,0 for the humido. Oh, the stinking hot season that comes before rainy season, has arrived!!!

And ta-da...this is the Mavericks OS...note any differences? Just tested FT and we are back up and running!!

I found a little program online, and it allowed me to see exactly what files were using how much space on my disk. It turns out I had the same home videos being stored in 3 places and after transferring them to the external hard drive and then deleting them, I found some 22 gigs of space.

I needed 8 to install the new OS and here we are. The program I found is called Grand Perspective...a neat little program.

So...the día so far? Up at 530am to assist with Max, back to sleep until 630am and then the boys had their usual AM rutinas. It was going to be a huge desayunos...if Max had been able to keep it all down. Yikes...I was leaving Bex a note and I hear "oh oh" and the lil'man is blowing huevos y tocino onto the counter.

Quick thinking Poppa? Hey Max, just vomit the rest into this dirty fry pan!! I stay calm...Max stays calm...easy peasy. Clean up, onto tranquilo time and then onto a prowl.

Max was still hambre...hola hola to some pan de plátano from the panificadora!! A good prowl but not too long and near the end, the lil'man was pooped and for the first time in a long time, asked that Poppa carry him. Of course!!

Home for libros y leche and then a very quick lights out. The goal is to keep him sleeping as long as possible, and then see how he is feeling. If he is up to it, off to playa Mojon. We can keep him in the shade and if he does not feel well, we are 25 minutes from home. So...stay tuned.

Currently 1135am, Max is asleep next to me, and you are all caught up. So...onto the fotos.

Pre-prowl poses.

We bought our pan and I told Max we would eat it in the zocalo. Only 1 minute later, Max spots this curb and tells me he wants the pan...por favor. And seconds after sitting down...he spots smoke coming out of the chimney from a restaurante de pollo.

Still on the way to the zocalo and Max has decided this is where he will stop and say "foto".

At last, the zocalo. Time for some agua and to break out his letter computer.

Una señorita has caught his ojo!!

Chick a pow pow?

B...o...o...b...i...e. Oh Max!!

It was a day for the perros. Max and amiga saying hola hola to Canela and su hermana.

This cachorro, puppy, decided this is where he would stop walking. Max did not know what to make of the wrinkly skin.

Knowing it was domingo and that the iglesia would be full, Max asked if we could go, and so we did. Once there, Max met another amigo.

From ayer at playa Santa Cruz. Spot the non-Mexicanos?

The fair skinned peeps are Chilangos...we were the only non-Mexicanos there!!

All the juguetes de plástico you will need at the playa.

But if you cannot afford the sombrillas, just use the sheets from the hotel!!

Ok, off to catch some man snugs with the lil'dude. I will finish this later, once we know how our day turned out.

Hasta pronto.

Buenos noches!! How about The Niño Whisperer only needing 7 minutos to get the lil'man into his cuna? Score!! He was pooped...long night, early morning, a few puke sessions and then a good afternoon on the playa. Lights out!!

Back to the día...we had a good siesta, some Max y madre play time, a light comida and then hit the road for Mojon. Max told us he was not well and 1/2 way to playa Mojon...we got to use the new puke bucket and clothes!! Bex...good job on buying those!!

Pulled over for a quick clean up and off we went. Max was better'ish and once we were at the playa, you would never have known he was not feeling well earlier in the day.

Sand castles, lots of swimming, a huge cena and a waaaay easy drive home. A successful afternoon!!

Home for the go go go and at 750pm, you are all caught up.

Mañana? Hoping to see that Max is feeling a-ok and that the neck I threw out while playing in the olas, is all better as well!!

Have a great lunes y hasta mañana!!

Marco, Bexico y Max

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