jueves, el 17 de abril de 2014

Fresh from a visit with Polly, el Gato, Max es muy feliz!!

Buenos tardes!! Fresh off another 90 minuto siesta, Max y Bex are hard at work in the cocina and in another 30 minutos or so, we are off to playa Mojon!!

Our day? What...Poppa slept in until 715am? Milagro!! Max had a good night and other then a early morning panale pit stop that led to Momma snugs, he slept pretty much straight through until 630am!! Score!!

Madre went back to bed and the boys had their usual AM rutinas of tranquilo time, a huge desayunos and then onto a nice and long prowl.

Our new rutina? We are going to try and nap Max later in the morning, hoping for a later wake up and then have a pleasant Max during la cena. ¿Por que? Last night's dinner was the wackiest one we have had in ages and we think it was due to the shorter siesta, waking up at 1245pm and then having his usual afternoon full of energy burning activities. So..stay tuned and we will tell you how it goes.

Post prowl it was home for leche, the siesta and you are all caught up. So...onto the fotos.

Part of the desayuno rutina is for Max to guess what fruta madre has left for him. He currently LOVES bananas and looks pretty happy to see one on his tray.

And then he was VERY excited to see that there was a Lego cerdo inside the banana peel.

Followed by the "wait a minute...how did that get in there?" look.

On the prowl and we are across the calle from the CP gates. We have often seen this niño in the restaurante, and he usually runs away from us.

But today, we get the sonrisa, smile.

Which makes Max happy.

Niño...watch out for Max and his tongue!!

After some demonstrating by Max, I think the lil'hombre is going to give jumping a try.

Happy after playing with his amigo, off we go...running in 40,0 grado heat.

The look of a niño who has just been running and playing in 40,0 grado heat!!

One sitting, 5 facial expressions.

Semana Santa and lots of peeps headed to the playa. Thus, these hombres are selling their beach mats.

Ta-da...all the protesters have left the zocalo and for the first time in at least 5 months, the kiosko is also cleared out.

Max watching a very talented una banda de un hombre play his guitara y flute.

Then giving Poppa the "what the huh?" look. Oh Max.

Look up, waaaaay up and I'll show you a wood pecker.

Ok, we are off to enjoy a slightly overcast afternoon on the playa!!

Hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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