sábado, el 12 de abril de 2014

Inside the mercado, Max is busking for pesos, while playing his favorite tune, Gone Gone Gone.

Every time we go into Sorianas, we head to the music department first, as Max wants to pick up one of the niño guitaras (a real one) and strum it. Rock and roll Max?

Buenos tardes!! More rare then the 2 headed kitten? If we did not wake up at 345am for a panale ot stop y bed sheet change, Max would have slept from 810pm until 620am straight through. We are taking him to the doctors asap!! Kidding.

A better bedtime and a great noche...phew.

Usual AM rutina...videos, tranquilo time, the PD...twice, huge desayunos and then onto a prowl. Lots of peeps out and about. I think the Chilangos have had enough of their winter and have decided to head into Huatulco early, beating the Semana Santa crowd.

Someone told me that the best time to visit DF, Mexico City, is during Easter as everyone high tails it out of there. They tracked the number of vehicles leaving the city and it was something like 100 a minute.

Good prowl and then home for leche and what turned out to be a long siesta. Knock on wood...hoping that does not translate into a long bedtime tonight. Please oh please. Ja ja ja

Comida for all and then I was off to el gimnasio and have returned home for the usual afternoon rutina and then it might be familia swim time. Score!!

Currently, the familia is on a prowl around centro, looking for printer ink (yikes) and also heading to the mall for some energy burning trampolina time.

So...you are caught up. Onto the fotos.

At the bottom of the escaleras, Max has chosen this electrifying spot for the first fotos of the prowl.

Having spotted his madre waving adios, Max breaks out into a tonto laugh.

And then show his love for his Momma.

And Chico Pudge too!!

This joven, youngster, works this cart daily, and always says hola to Max. Today, he gets to say hola to Max's amigo as well.

We spotted our amigo who sells the fresh fruta...time for a piña break!!

Another amigo!! This hombre lives in Oaxaca and comes to Huatulco to sell items (book marks etc) that are made of madera. We have known him for probably over 2 años.

What...another amiga? At first glance, we did not see Polly and were headed to the zocalo, when a worker in the tienda called Max...and ta-da.

Look Poppa...orejas!! Oh Max!!

Adios abrazo.

Max "relaxing", as he calls it when he crosses his legs.

He has a pensive look on his face as he debates getting a tatuaje of Polly, or maybe a perforacione. Yikes.

The Mayor, giving off the evil ojo stare...probably to someone littering. Max hates basura and when he sees it on the calles or in the parque, he points at it and says "maleducado".

More busking.

Having arrived home, we were greeted by madre. Here, Max is taking the time to show her the stairs that he just tripped on...because he was not paying attention. Oh Max!!

Right here Momma.

And then Poppa gets the evil ojo...like it is my fault he tripped!! Ja ja ja

From the gym walk...a camion with a tarp on the back.

What is a tarp called? Una lona...and you often see and hear hombres walking through centro, a stack of tarps over their shoulder, calling out "lonas".

Just another day in Huatulco...Bob, his amigo, and their ceramic animales.

Ok, that's it mis amigos. Race night...it starts at 530pm Hux time..score!!

Playa Mojon mañana!! Enjoy the rest of the weekend y hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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