viernes, el 11 de abril de 2014

Lil'man day dreaming about off roading in the jungle.

Buenos tardes!! Mi amigos, the ones that fix our a/c etc, have just arrived for their 4pm cita...and it is now 430pm!! Ja ja ja

Stay tuned, Mexicanos would rather try to fix things vs buy new things...this might be a quick fix. But...they say the problem is raro...we turn off the a/c but it then goes into some sleep mode with the vent shut and the fan running. We all think it is a circuit board issue.

The last time we had a circuit board issue, it turned out to be a gecko that had fried itself. Easy fix!!

Of course, there are 3 of them, and the largest (gordo) is the one they send back and forth to the truck for things like the ladder etc.

And while we wait, the stories come out. They are telling me that barbacoa, normally made with goat, actually has perro in it. Waaaaay cheaper and no one can taste the difference. Yikes.

How was the día? A good noche...and madre was in charge of the lil'man!! Normally when he finds this out, the sleep is not a good one, but last night we had success!!

I have had the past few night shifts as we were trying to break the habit of wanting to play with his madre at 4am, that and Bex has had a lot of work lately. That is great news!!

Lots of work from existing clients, and possibly lots of work from a few new clients too!! Score!!

Up at 545am and they woke the Poppa up at 645am...sleep in!!!

Tranquilo time...and this is what Max is up to when I am not looking.

Test driving madre's new dance shoes!!

Onto the huge desayunos, a little tour around the CP grounds, and then we loaded up the bici and went off to Sorianas.

A little tour over the tope, onto our shopping and then home for a pre-siesta time out and melt down, and then onto leche y siesta.

A shorter siesta...maybe Max will fall asleep quicker tonight? Stay tuned!!

Comida for all and then the familia went off to playa Santa Cruz, where they are now, coming home soon for la cena.

I ate and then had a good gym session before heading home for my usual afternoon rutinas, which includes dealing with 3 very friendly hombres...who now know where Canada is located on a map, and understand the maple leaf comes from our bandera and the maple tree...and they also understand about maple syrup!!

Busy afternoon, throw in clean up and a few loads of wash.

Onto the fotos and then time to cook la cena.

Working his way through the rough.

Max's best impression of Steve Zissou's crazy eyes.

And having awoken from his we went.

All about the tope at Soriana.

Feet up for some glide time. He has mastered the skill of 2 years and 5 months old!!

Tour over...onto the tienda.

Puertas cerradas.

Puertas abiertas!!

No, we did not wheel in, but had a good shopping trip and are stocked up for the rest of the week.

Hey...who knew the iPod Nano doesn't fit into the same docking station as the Classic? Ja ja ja

Ok, dance night here in Huatulco. Bex and her amigas are headed out for some dinner and dancing!! It is a small town...I cannot wait until tomorrow when somebody tells me "Vi a tu esposa en la disco!!". Ja ja ja

Air con update...35 minutos on the job, cleaned a few sensors and off the 3 amigos went....$300 pesos richer for their efforts. Not bad for $26 Cdn.

What...viernes already? The race is on mañana, so it is Race sábado this week and we will be off to playa Mojon on domingo...for camarones!!

Buen fin de semana y hasta mañana!!

Marco, Bexico y Max

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