martes, el 22 de abril de 2014

The lil'man in his car seat, on the way to take his bici to Santa Cruz for a tour, as well as to have a pit stop into INM, inmigracion.

Buenos días!!

Mediodía here in Huatulco, and the lil'sleeper has probably another hour to go in his siesta...knock on wood!!

A waaaaaay better noche...asleep by 8pm, only a few wake ups and then up for good at 545am. That is a lot better then yesterday's 445am!! We think the meds helped...more on that later.

Bounce on Poppa time until 615am when the alarm went off, and then the lil'man grabs me and tries to pull me out of bed, while yelling "alarm go off, videos por favor!!".

Videos, tranquilo time and then onto desayunos. No yakking today, but he sure did not like his Raisin Bran (huh?) or huevos (double huh?). Both of them did not sit well in his boca...not sure why they trigger his gag reflex....but the doctor says he has a throat infection...more on that later.

Post desayunos, we loaded up the recycling and the bici and we were off. Santa Cruz, INM, Fonatur and then onto Che....go go go.

The bici was a great idea today, as INM is a little walk, but a quick bici ride. There is also a wide open courtyard on the way, and Max loves riding in the open space.

Max is due for a new tarjeta de inmigracion soon, so we went in to check this years requirements. The lista is now on 2 pieces of paper, but it is pretty much the same stack of required paperwork as last year. Wish us luck.

Some new faces, and uniforms, in the INM, but one hombre smiled and said "hola Max"...of course he did. I did not know him, but he knew Max. And with a wave adios, and after blowing the senoritas a besito, we were off for some more bici riding.

We loaded up, took the recycling to Fonatur, where Max promptly said "Max do it", so I took him out of the camioneta and he helped me sort the recycling.

Onto scores but the lil'man sure got wired in there. Phew...we got out just in time. Home to be scared by the "Ciao Ciao man", an old pot smoking Italiano who always waves and says "ciao ciao" to Max...but freaks the lil'man out.

A good recovery and then upstairs for libros y leche con madre...and then onto siesta time.

So...fotos from this morning?

Tongue out...we are ready to go tour Santa Cruz!!

One fountain in Huatulco has water it in...and Max has found  it.

Near the docks and Max is watching some pescadores, fishermen.

And then doing a little jig to the musica they are playing.

Semana Santa is over...note the quiet playa as well as the rain deprived foliage in the background. And it looks like playa Mojon is not the only playa that is seeing a higher water level.

Ok, that is today so far. Anoche, last night?

And so there we were, in Los Portales, eating dinner...not for long. Poor lil'man got rid of his leche, agua, as well as his chips and salsa....into a shallow plate and then onto the mesa.

Madre went into clean up mode, and I went into "lo siento" mode...saying sorry to the mesero who was helping clean up the mess.

Bex came back with a clean and much happier niño, and I was off to see if Doc Victoria was in her oficina. Score!! She speaks no ingles, at least with us, and I am happy to report that after 3 years here, I can talk to her about Max and tell her all of his symptoms etc.

Back to the restaurante to pay the bill, leave a big propina and gather up the familia.

Max is such a trooper with the doctors, always allowing them to poke and prod and look into his orejas y boca. It turns out Max has another throat infection...I am betting it was the agua at playa Santa Cruz!!

Prescription in hand, $450 pesos lighter in the wallet, and off we went.

Max stats? At 2 años and almost 6 meses old, he weighs in at 16 kilos and is 94cm tall. According to the Canadian growth charts, that puts him in the 85th percentile for both. Hmmm...who knew?

On the way home, Bex picked up some Gerber food for Max, easy to swallow and something in his belly so he would sleep through the night without hearing it growl!!

I grabbed the meds and came home in time for clean up and then bedtime. And now you know why Max has been yakking, and why we think he slept better last night. Three days of medicina and we are hoping he is all well. Stay tuned.

Fotos from last night? Hello!!

Lil'man and his iPad...word games. Note the foot and toe movements.

On the way to dinner...we knew he was not well because of his lack of energy (our hijo?) and of course he wanted "carry you" from his madre.

Waiting for la cena.

Una sonrisa (?) for his Poppa.

Mi familia.

Hey, we all been there before. A little too much to drink, some yakking on our clothes, a quick change and then a prowl down the calle in our ginches.

Bex is always prepared!! Spare clothes and lots of toys and wipes!!

Max y Bex off to see the doctor.

From ayer, Max y Bex went to visit some tortugas. They are kept in an enclosure, behind some oficinas y tiendas, off the beaten track.

Max really liked the tortugas, pointing out all the different ones as well as the chico y grande ones. Here he decides to help clean them.

Selfie...what up with the chipmunk cheeks?

Ok, off for some man snugs. I will finish this off later this afternoon. Hasta pronto!!

Buenos tardes. How hot is it right now? I am sitting on the banco, watching the ice melt in my Crown Royal...that I store in the freezer.

But for some official numbers, let's look up Tangolunda, a 10 minute drive from our casa.

Oh...overcast...31,0 grados...but feels like 46,0? And did I mention I have a load of wash in the dryer and pollo in the 400 degree oven?

Not hating, just melting.

Our afternoon? A 90 minuto siesta and then the lil'man was onto play time, comida and then the alberca con su madre. Post swim, it was off to meet some amigos in a parque...and sweat.

They will be home in 30 minutos para la cena.

Me? Sweated it out at el gimnasio and then came home for the usual puttering around, cleaning up and getting ready for both la cena and the PM rutina. are all caught up.

Last foto...sombreros for $50 pesos.

Have a great miercoles!! Looks like playa Mojon for us on jueves y domingo...hola hola to race sábado!!

Hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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