sábado, el 8 de febrero de 2014

If you wake up at 5am, even after a great nights sleep, you do get bed head.

Hey...during tina time, Max showed his Opa the letter V and Opa said that Vanderleeden starts with the letter V. Guess who is now saying Vanderleeden...or at least Vanderweefden? Oh yes...the lil'man. Score!!

Currently 8pm and the lil'guy is lights out. Phew. Not a bad bedtime, but it started with one riled up lil'niño. It took some time to get him to calm down, but with his new found use of using more and more words, he will now tell you that he is calm, but also tells you why he received another time out. Oh Max.

Usual day for us...huge desayunos, prowl and then onto leche y siesta. Post siesta, usual rutina for Bubba, but I also finished up getting the Bubba chili listo para mañana...hola hola to playa Mojon!!

Clean casa, ready for the PM rutina and tonight's cena, Bubba burittos all ready when the familia returned from their afternoon out.

Post siesta, the familia cooked something on the stove...that Max never eats, and then had their comida and were off to the Cluuub. Sounds like they had lots of fun, but not as many niños as there used to be. The Club now charges an entrance fee, smart move but it will mean a lot of the usual peeps can no longer afford to go.

Home for leche and then onto la cena. Follow that up with the dance party, tina time, FT con Oma y Opa and then off to bed. That, mis amigos, was our día.

Onto the fotos.

We scored on a chico cooler at Sorianas, now called Max's cooler, and here he gets good use out of it.

Listo for the prowl.

But first, we need to scope out what is happening on the CP grounds.

Señor Roboto doing his moves.

Max, at the guards gate,  playing peek a boo with Silverio.

I kinda know the driver of this parked camion, and after asking "¿permiso?" and getting the a-ok, Max went for a little prowl.

He knew the next area of the truck was peligroso, so he went no further.

This senora and her nieta (not in fotos), have always being amable with us. So...off to hang out in the back of her camioneta.

What I like about the fotos are the expressions on the face. Click to enlarge and check it out yourself.

Pit stop in the zocalo to grab some agua.

Muy tonto niño coming up. Here he is doing an impersonation of someone on another banco. Thoughts? I think he nailed it!!.

The protest in the kiosko continues, but here Max is checking out some niñas.

And not being shy, he plops down to say hola hola and then wow the older niña with his counting...which now includes the numeros, once, doce, trece y catorce...11, 12, 13 and 14.

Papaya artist.

Only febrero...and it is hot. Pit stop in front of the escuela, for more agua.

As I said, if you need it, eventually it will come to you. Today it was an espejo, mirror.

From the walk to el gimnasio, I saw a sign in front of the first homeopathic clinic I have ever seen in Huatulco. See, learning español is not so hard.

And from the co-pilot's afternoon...some great fotos!!

The look you get if Max sees you smoking...humo malo!!

Followed by some groove moves by Disco Max.

Ever have one of those pets that would just bring "things" home for you? We have Max.

Scraping off gum or bird poo...as a gift for his madre.

Looks like success to me.

And then Bex pretended to put it in her boca, causing Max to almost pass out.

At the Cluuuub...showing off the trampolina moves.

Trust me, he is faking it. He could have gone on jumping for another hour!!

Start charging to use the alberca and you will see a lot less peeps in it.

Max and a new amigo.

Ok, that's all.

Have a great domingo y hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexioc y Max

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