martes, el 4 de febrero de 2014

There must have been someone interesting walking behind me as I took the fotos, as Max's attention was sure captured.

Buenos noches!! Wow, what a día for this familia!! Max was his super self...but full of emotions and spirit.

So much so that he would NOT go back in the bici after playa time con madre...they had to throw the bike in a taxi and take the taxi home. Yikes.

He does not like the noisy trucks and when you go over a tope, speed bump, you have to go so slow so he does not notice it. Huh? That and of course his palabra favorita continues to be "no". No to everything is how it goes around here lately.

It is a better be a phase!! Ja ja ja

How was the rest of the día? Usual early morning rutina, and then onto tranquilo time, desayunos and then a quick walk to the banco...more on that later.

Then it was home to pick up Bex and we were off to the hospital...too long a wait so we will come back for Max's shot. Then off to drop off recycling and then onto Che where pre-siesta, Max was full o'energía. Yikes.

Che scores? No brown sugar, no frozen peas, no sugar free yogurt, no hotcake syrup etc. All this no, no no...sounds like the perfect tienda for Max!!

Home for leche y siesta and then onto our usual afternoons. Bubba off to el gimnasio and then home for the usual set up, and the familia had their comida and then headed to the playa.

Max had a blast at the playa, chico olas so he was all about going into del mar, and even wore his gafas and went under water. Score!!

The free beach no longer free. And it is not worth the $55 pesos to use the pool and a the familia stayed on the playa and will use the alberca at CP when need be.

Not sure what is up with the not wanting to get back on the bici, but Bex says it was not a pleasant experience...until the taxi was loaded and then Max was in heaven...touching the taxistas hair and saying "gel". Oh Max.

The familia was home early, so after Max had some leche, the boys went out for a super fun pre-cena prowl. Lots of peeps to say hola hola to and then it was home for some play time con madre as I cooked up the chuletas de cerdo. Oh so good.

Max had a pre-cena melt down, oh good, but minutes later was his cheery self and we all managed to eat our cena in peace.

Clean up, tina time, a quick FT con Oma y Opa and then off to bed time. Phew. Bex had her 30 minutos and The Whisperer needed only 25. Score!!

Max was sleepy and I plopped him into his cuna and told him that I was going to climb on the bed and then hold his manos. When I get onto the bed and lean over the rail, Max is laying on his left side, with his right arm and hand lifted up, waiting for me. Score!!

10 minutes and I was on my way. At 830pm Max is lights out, Bex is headed up into her oficina and I am typing away while keeping an ojo on the News and one on the monitor.

Ok, onto the fotos.

Prowl outfit and the lil'man is planning something.

Oh yes...Maxowaxo dance moves!!

Pit stop to examine the bins that the fruta y verduras are delivered in.

Off to the banco, and even though he wanted to touch everything, Max was well behaved while I waited in line.

The Mayor, inspecting the La Crucecita, sitio, taxi stand.

And when you can get fotos of Max standing still, take as many as you can!!

And you are all caught up.

Mañana? Camarones para la cena..on playa Mojon. Score!! Oh...el banco? Maybe the 5th time will be the charm in getting the pesos? We went ayer, and the banco was closed. We were in line at 850am for the 9am opening and at 910am we were in the front of the line.

But, no luck as the senorita wanted a fotocopy of my pasaporte...the ID supplied to me by the Mexican government, was not good enough...doph.

So I went back at 11am...and there were 25 peeps in line...and one teller open. And taking the long way home from el gimnasio, I walked by the banco, and I think the same 25 peeps were still in line. Doph.

So...hopefully mañana, Max and I have better luck. Buen suerte!!

Have a great miercoles y hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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