martes, el 18 de febrero de 2014

Buenos noches!!

A great day...but here is the only Max foto...enjoy!!

Using the camera's timer, the boys posed for a foto before heading out to drop off the recycling and then head to Che. Che day, thus no prowl and no more Max fotos. Check in mañana and maybe there will be both some prowl y playa Mojon goodies!!

As for the rest of the día...a pretty good night's sleep for all of us. Max was out fairly quickly, slept in his cuna the complete night, and was only awoke one or two times, for only a minute each. Score!!

As for the 515am wake up...we are trying to figure that out. We don't want to rock him back to sleep, because he will wake up at 3am (and 1am and 4am...) wanting to be rocked.

But he can not go back to sleep by himself, so out came the videos as I grabbed some more shut eye.

Bex has bought an online "get your niño to sleep in 3 days" book, and we will chat it up tonight and come to a decision. I am not sure I agree with the tranquilizer part, but hey...if that is what the experts say.

So it was videos while Poppa snoozed, tranquilo play time and then onto making more huevos (the niño LOVES his huevos) and then onto Che.

Home for a good siesta and then I was off to the gym, with a Pemex pit stop for gas and then onto get the truck washed.

After the gym, home to putter and get us ready for the PM rutina and of course, la cena.

Post siesta, the familia had some play time and then their comida followed by almost 2 km of Max riding his bici. Wow! Bex says he is really getting the hang of it and that lots of peeps are curious about Max on the bici, as well as where the pedals are. They have never seen one of these bikes before!!

Then they were off to the playa, home for more bici riding and then onto la cena. Hola hola to clean up, the dance party, tina time, FT con Oma y Opa and at 720pm, round 1 is under way.

A few fotos from yesterdays' walk to el gimnaiso.

Here is the Captain's new restaurante....low rent.

He used to have a small restaurante a few stores away from the CP gates, and he would see us walk by with Max in the sling, and always say hola hola.

He waved me over, asked how things were and told me to say saludos to Rebecca. Muy amable hombre!!

Clase de español?

It is painted on the sign of a warehouse that Consturama, the big construction store, has taken over. One of the difficulties with learning español, is that there are many palabras, words, that do not actually exist.

The Mexicans are famoso for making up a word that fits their needs and "construacabados" is one of them. It is a combination of "constru", short for construction (?), and "acabados", which translates into "finishes". Domicilio....they deliver to your home.

And the last foto of the día, comes a taxi from the world famoso town of Juchitan.

Juchitan, a town in the estado of Oaxaco, is famous for it's muxes. Not a short drive here...I think they came for some tacos y dancing.

Ok, bedtime was a success!! Buen suerte in having a good noche...please oh please!! Ja ja ja

Misc...have I ever told you about our ghost/spirit? I have felt "it" several times, including sitting on the bed while I am sleeping.

Today I did a mop in the bedrooms and as I finish, I look back into the room, expecting to see a wet floor. What do I see clear as clear can be? A bare foot print in the wet floor. Just one print, leading out towards the living room.

I run the mop over the spot, to see if it is some funky stain, and the footprint disappears. Serio...wacky eh?

As heard coming from Max's boca as he wanted to start cooking? Poppa...pollo bowl. Huh? So I had to have him show me, and he points out the bowl we used to marinate the fajita pollo in...2 weeks ago. It is a glass we moved on.

And then he asked for the arroz spoon...the wooden spoon we use when cooking the rice. The things that he remembers always amaze me.

Ok, you are all caught up. Bex and Poppa are sitting on the couch...watching Jimmy Fallon on his first Tonight Show. Some QT for the two of us...score!!

Mañ to Mojon for burgers and fun time....score!!

Hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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