domingo, el 16 de febrero de 2014

Ayer, while at playa Santa Cruz, Bex took some fotos with the crappy Sony DSC W730. That was my favorite foto!!

Buenos tardes and welcome to the "sleep lab" we pull out all the stops and try and figure out why our niño does not want to sleep...or does not know how to.

It is currently 225pm and yup, Max is still asleep. And the last time I looked, it appears that his madre went in for some snug time. Oh Bex!!

So, why the late siesta? Oh Max went down at 1030am...and fell asleep at 1215pm. The goal was to get him to fall asleep by himself and he almost did. Right before he was asleep, there was a little cry as he was pooped and just couldn't allow himself to go to sleep.

I told him to close his ojos and I would sing for him, and 2 minutes later...ta da. No siesta for me as I slept from 1030am until 1215pm, as Max rolled around, sang songs and played with Winnie the Pooh. Yikes. I am watching the race via PVR, and I just saw the pace car catch on fire. Never seen that before...not good for Chevrolet to see their car on fire...doph. And I just heard via the was a full moon last night!! I knew it!! ja ja ja

Usual early morning rutina...I woke up at 630am and found Max sitting on the bed watching Curious George while snugging with his fast asleep madre. I tucked her in and the boys started the rutina.

Post huge desayunos, we made the call to go for a quick prowl to Santa Cruz Abarrotes and then head straight to the CP alberca.

Here are the fotos from the morning.

No need to get changed after the prowl...Max is listo for the alberca.

And then he gets into his kung fu stance...oh oh.

Or is this the Karate Kid position?

Punto de reunion painted in the CP parking lot.

We call Marcelino, one of the guards, Poppa, because he is the padre of another of the guards, Ricardo. Here, cheeky Max is playing peek a boo with Poppa, who really enjoys Max.

Wearing the perfect outfit, Max decides on a jet ski pit stop.

We started off in the alberca alone, but ta da...look who arrived with the camera in one hand and her tea cup in the other!!

Max, happy to see his Momma.

The boys.

Watch out Max...Poppa is going to take you to Canelaville (tickle time).

Max is grabbing my gafas, asking me to "nah-nut"...become a tiburón and chase him underwater.

Here comes the shark!!

Run Max, run!!

Caught by his padre.

Hmmm...a little more Canelaville? Ok!!

The shirt is off, pool time is about to end for now.

But first...maybe a little bromance?

The boys doing "nose nose" as we call it.

Where does the day go? Happy to report the familia woke up at 245pm and are now eating their comida, before heading off to the see a sunset? Yikes!!

Max had a good sleep, as you can tell by his bed head!! Here he is hypnotized by the Nascar race.

A few misc fotos Bex took at the mall and then at the playa.

Max did not know this niña before they entered the trampolina and it turns out she lives in Santa Maria Huatulco, about 25 minutos away, with her Mexican madre y American padre. Bex enjoyed their company and has maybe made some new amigas for both her y Max.

Bex says the two niños were very much alike...good for Max to get a taste of his own medicina!! Ja ja ja

No neck brace needed after this...phew.

Max is generally muy amable with otro niños, as he just wants to say hola and play with them.

Playa Santa Cruz and cooling down with a nieve.

Is it me, or does Max look a lil'buff?

Ok, tranquilo time in the casa as the familia went to playa Tangolunda by themselves. Time to watch the end of the race and then do a quick clean up and get ready for the pollo reggiano para la cena.

I will finish this off esta noche!!

Hasta pronto.

Buenos noches...round one is under way. Buen suerte as we try sleep training method #769!!

How was playa Tangolunda? Fun to get there as the familia had a short stroll through the jungla, but the playa itself was muy tranquilo and not much to write in a blog about. Heck, when you have playa Mojon....

The olas were grande and there is a steep drop off, just like playa Chahue, so tough to hang onto the lil'man, but he enjoyed being rolled onto shore in the olas!!

There was a pit stop at the mall...hola hola to the trampolina, and then home for more leche, a little Winnie the Pooh on the iPod, and then onto la cena.

Good eats and due to the late siesta, we ate at 6pm and went straight into tina time after clean up.

Round one started at 7pm, back on schedule...and I must admit that I am a bit apprehensive about tonight's bedtime as Max has only been awake 4 hours. Yikes. Stay tuned.

Ok, you are all caught up. Mañana? Lunes and nothing out of the ordinary is planned. We do have 2 trips to Mojon planned for the week...Burger miercoles y Camarone sábado!!

Last foto of the day, and knowing about all the wackos out there, we are very aware of what type of fotos we post onto the blog. Thank you to Bex and Photoshop, and all I have to say is look how big the cactus is!!

Max in his oficina, checking out his stock portfolio via the iPad app!!

Hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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