lunes, el 17 de febrero de 2014

Hellooooo...mi nombre is Maxowaxo and I slept from 815pm until 615am, in my own cuna, with only one wake up. I feel refreshed!!

Oh yes, it was a very successful night...phew. That left us with some videos and man snugs and then onto desayunos and our prowl. Home by 1015am and then onto leche and attempt #2 at having Max fall asleep on his own, for his siesta.

It was a wacky attempt. I told Max I was going to sleep and that he should lay down when he was ready...and he started crying. He was asking for an abrazo and then over the next hour, as I tried to catch some shut eye, he kept waking me up by saying "I love you", which of course I had to reply to.

And then there were the requests for hugs. Never, never turn down one of those!!

At 1215pm, I went out to check with the co-pilot, and we decided it was getting late and Max was getting more riled up vs tranquilo. So...into Poppa's arms and 5 minutes later....lights out!!

Bex took over at 115pm and I headed out to el gimnasio and then came home for my usual pre-cena rutinas.

When I came home, the familia was drying up from some CP alberca time, and were headed out to the twins Palacio. Max slept until 215pm, so we are happy he had his 2 hours and fingers are crossed that he falls asleep tonight, as easily as he did anoche.

So...onto the fotos.

After Poppa "tested" the camera, we were ready to begin our walk.

Hmmm...Max's funny walk that is!!

The gang at Fonatur has fixed a huge and dangerous hole that was below Max's feet. Here he is standing next to a taxista, inspecting the repair job.

It passes muster, so we are good to continue.

This is the "ok Poppa, enough with the fotos" look.

I took this next foto as a reminder of a story.

We prowled through the mercado and past the comedor economicos. Max says hola hola to the peeps and stops at on senora who is making jugo de naranja. I boost Max up onto the bar stool so he can watch the blender in action, and meanwhile I chat up the senora as she asks how Max is etc.

She asks me if Max likes jugo and then gives him a glass, and then poured it into the to go vaso so we could continue the prowl. Muy amable!!

Stopped to observe.

Max's amigo, off his usual beaten path, so Max stops to check it out and say hola.

Gate prowl.

And look who came in from Pochutla!!

Not much to see on the walk to el gimnasio, but you should have seen when this guy drove into town. Now that is some talented driving!!

Ok, off to clean up and cook up the pollo. See you after bedtime has started. Hasta pronto.

Buenos noches. Round 1 is under way after a great dinner...minus all the bugs that fell out of the new package of penne noodles I was going to cook. Ugh y argh.

The familia had fun at the Palacio, but it is no longer the twins Palacio as their madre no longer works there. Who knew?

Leche y Winnie the Pooh upon returning to the condo and then onto dinner, dance party, tina time, FT con Oma y Opa and then onto bed.

You are all caught up. Che martes, but nothing else extra planned for mañana...and you are all caught up.

Last foto of the día...pensive Max, trying to figure out for himself, why he cannot fall asleep on his own.

Have a great Tuesday y hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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