domingo, el 9 de febrero de 2014

Buenos noches!! That was the lil'man outside Oxxo, finding out that we were about to leave and continue our AM prowl.

Wow...I have not had a bed time like that, in....maybe a year? Gracias mi hijo...lights out 5 minutos after The Whisperer came in to close the show. And with that, we are back on schedule post-Mojon!!

How was the día?

Up at 615am after 2 wacky wake ups during the noche. Oh well. Usual AM rutina and today the boys cooked up huevos revueltos con queso y some tocino. A huge desayunos and then mas Cheerios y pasas during the prowl.

Highlight of the prowl? For me, it was seeing Max dance in the iglesia. And for Max...hola hola to el Gato. Of course, as Max would say.

Home for leche and then a great siesta...for both of the boys. Post siesta it was time for our comida and then off to playa Mojon. More on that are the morning fotos.

Max requested this foto be taken.

First stop was at the comedor economico across the calle from the CP gates. ¿Por que? Max scores on a free nibble of quesillo, the Oaxacan cheese, when he stops in and says hola. Which is what he is doing here.

And after getting his treat, it was back to the prowl, and here Max takes off his lentes because something has caught his eye.

I think he spotted a senorita...or maybe a pero!! Ja ja ja

The lil'man checking out the lil'man, to the smiles of the hombres selling the mirrors.

Stopping to smell the flores? Nope...trying to get a better look at the bees. Oh Max.

A series of pictures hanging at the Hermanos Rodriguez polleria. It makes me chuckle.

And the lil'man after deciding we were NOT about to leave, as he climbs back on the carro. Oh Max.

The trip to playa Mojon was a treat...the lil'man made it that way by staying tranquilo...phew. We had a great trip and Max had a blast. Lots of time spent in the agua and the day ended with bowls full of Bubba's chili and some garlic toast!!

Lots of playa today...the most sand we have seen in a long time.

And that made the lil'wave crasher happy.

What took an hour last time, took 5 minutes today. Bex was smart enough to pack his swim ring and with that around his waist, he ran into the oceano!!

And here, the two of them wait for the olas to arrive.

Success...and time to get ready for the next set.

Oh yes, he is in there somewhere!!

Max...como estas? Bien bien he says.

And off they go again.

Bex was out on the boogie board and the lil'man decided to imitate his padre, and takes a swig from an empty Coca Light bottle.

Max, look into the lentes as Poppa "tests" his camera. Score!!

And as dinner time approaches, el sol starts to set.

And the moon(s) rise. Oh madre y Max!!

If you are looking for me tonight...after that unauthorized foto...I might be on the couch!! Ja ja ja

Ok, you are all caught up.

These are exciting times around here, as Max is talking more and more and the conversations are now making more and more sense. As spoken from Max's mouth when he smelled some stinky cooking coming from one of our neighbors? "Momma stinky...need shower"...hilarious!!

Mañana...lunes again!!

Have a great día y hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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