miercoles, el 12 de febrero de 2014

Max at the Yamaha dealer, with his Hello Kitty moto.

Let's see...I will buy you a moto if you sleep through the noche? Up at 10pm for 15 minutos, up at 1230am for 5 minutos and up at 330am for another 5 before climbing into the bed and falling asleep until 530am.

Once we solve this sleep issue, everything else, including "the talk", will be a piece of cake!!

30 minutos of slumber time, onto 30 minutos of videos, then 30 or so of tranquilo time and then onto cooking and eating our desayunos. Hola hola to pan frances miercoles!!

Knowing Max loves to cook, we prepped the pollo for our fajitas and then after clean up, it was out the door for our prowl...una hora y mucho calor outside, very hot.

Great prowl...fotos to prove it, and then home for leche y siesta!!

Good 2 hour siesta and then after some comida...off to Mojon!! A great afternoon on the playa...duh!! Lots of bici riding and olas jumping. We ended the afternoon with our fajitas on the playa and then off we went, back to the casa.

Not as go go go when we returned, but still lots to do to get caught up. Happy to report that by 815pm, Max was lights out in his cuna. Score!!

And how did bedtime end? As Bex's 30 minutos were winding down, Max was pooped and he says to his madre "Momma leave...get Poppa". Someone knows who he needs to fall asleep!! But don't feel bad for Bex...she is the only one that gets told "I love you" by the lil'man!!

Ok, onto the fotos.

Marciano sharing with Max, fotos of his newborn niño.

Ok, who knew Marciano had a novia, let alone that she was embarazada and is now his esposa due to the birth of the boy? I asked if he was named Marciano Jr, to go along with the otra trabajadores and their creative naming of their sons...Marcos Jr y Sivlverio Jr. Marciano says that they have not named him yet...is it a costumbre to wait?

Max, his mochilla y Pedro Pollo are listo.

But first, a sprinkler pit stop. Before he touched the water, Max said to his Poppa "no shoes wet". Score!!

I love this cheeky grin!!

Poste...he loves postes.

Our pollo is marinating in limons picked from this arbol.

Look who we ran into...los gemelos, the twins. I asked Max if he wanted to sit next to them and at first he was a meter away...and then started scooching over.

Hmmm...maybe a few less pit stops, less Cheerios, and when out with su madre, a little less "carry you"? Or just cut back on the chelas!!

Yamaha pit stop with a few special facial expressions.

Super friendly peeps own this hotel and today they had two 3 month old cachorros, puppies, out front.

They were full o'energía and it took Max a few minutes to figure it out, but he did.

He even went in to attempt a besito.


The grin says it all...muy feliz!!

Now this is why we bought the bici with the nobby tires...playa off roading!!

And moments later...off to the olas con su madre.

Now, these olas were not to Max's liking, but after some more bici riding to the other end of the playa, Max went olas crazy with both his madre y padre in the agua with him.


Continuing on the theme of why I am proud to be a Canadian, click HERE for another great story...something I can see in Max's character.

Mañana...there is some Nascar racing tomorrow night...hee hee hee. And during the day? I think we will be up to our usual tricks...leaving Cheerios on park benches and looking for el gato!!

I leave you with this foto. Often blogged about, but rarely seen...the sleeping Max.

Hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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