miercoles, el 5 de febrero de 2014

Maxowaxo hanging in the mall after another failed attempt at getting the money transfer from el banco...doph.

Buenos noches!! A super day in Huatulco, but it is a late night due to our successful Mojon afternoon...so here are some quick deets for the día, and then onto the fotos!!

Great night of sleep...knock on madera!! Well, a great night after a midnight meltdown, as Max wanted rocking, to be held like a bebe and to sleep on the bed. Doph. But 15 minutos later, back in the cuna and no wake up until 5am, then it was onto the bed and we slept until 6am...score!!

Usual AM rutinas...except the lil'man was not into his pan frances...huh? Who are you and what have you done with our lil'man?

Off for our prowl and we struck out at the bank. ¿Por que? Uh...because the money transfer was made out to Mark Vanderleeden...and my pasaporte says my name is Mark Pieter Vanderleeden. Are you kidding me?

With all the corruption in this country...the bank is worried that there might be a Mark Vanderleeden out there, that I am trying to pretend is me. Really?

So, our landlord will need to resend the transfer...and Max and I will make our 6th attempt at getting the funds!!

Good siesta...but The Whisperer was needed to get Senor Pincher to fall asleep. I was pooped, and grabbed the full siesta with the lil'man...score!!

Mojon? Super afternoon!! Friggin hot due to no breeze, but chico olas and the lil'man worked up his courage and then had a blast surfing and then wave jumping con su madre!!

Dinner? The camarones y arroz were "delicious" as Max would say. And then it was pack up time and off to the casa for the go go go of unpacking and clean up, while Bex took care of Max's tina time and getting him ready for bedtime.

And what else? Want to make it rich in Mexico? Become the house doctor for 5 resort hotels. Visit a doctor (?) at Simi and the cost is $50 pesos. Visit our regular doctor and the cost is $650 pesos. And go visit the hotel doctor and the cost is $1500 pesos. Wow.

But he is Canadian trained and his solution for Bex and what has turned out to be a very large hernia? Some sort of zipper that allows things to expand and then get reinserted and zipped up. Not sure if this is a Mexican thing, but will get more deets.

Ok, onto the fotos.

Monkey Max in the mall.

This is NOT a very busy mall...many empty tiendas.

Cheeky poser.

On the way home for leche, Max breaks into dance mode.

Followed by clean up mode.

Onto playa Mojon. Lots of playa today.

These peeps have no public access to their properties. Yikes.

Had a fun chat with the hombres doing some work on the hotel...that has been under construction for 4 plus years.

Here they are digging out the area under the hotel, which due to a storm last year, was washed away by Mother Nature. It was stinking hot...thus the tent covering.

Chico olas...almost no olas.

The lil'man pre-swim.

Post swim and off to wash the sand off. Can you ever have too many fotos of that cute bum running around on the playa?

Clinched cheeks? Brrrrrr!!

One word describes this next foto...shrinkage!!

Adios Poppa!!

As the sun started to set, I heard some rustling in the brush next to the palapa.

El sol setting on another great visit to our palapa y cactus.

Today's Max quote..."I love you so much"...a score for his madre!!

And then it was time to say adios to el sol. Oh, but we will be back!!

OK, you are all caught up.

Wish us luck at the bank!! Have a great jueves.

Hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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