martes, el 11 de febrero de 2014

The only foto of Max you will find in today's update...lo siento. Note the playera, shirt. Where did all the long sleeve shirts that Max wore in BC go? For $100 pesos and one visit to the telas...ta da...short sleeve shirts for Huatulco!!

That was Max taking a pit stop before we get into the camioneta verde and head out to drop off the recycling and then onto Che.

No about a little video I found online?

Via, HERE is another fun reason us Canadians make the news. And click HERE for the accompanying video.

As for our día...not much to report. It was a good sleep, only 2 wake ups...both wacky...and then a final wake up, in the cuna (success!!) at 530am.

The usual 30 minutos of lazy time followed by some videos while Poppa had more lazy times!!

Desayunos, some tranquilo time and then off to run the errands...thus no prowl and no fotos.

No scores at Che, but Max did have a blast playing with the Plaza Sesamo shampoo bottles, his favorite being Beto.

Home for a little bici practice while Poppa put away the groceries and then it was off to leche y a 2 hour siesta.

I hit the gym and then came home for a little puttering before throwing the lomo de cerdo into the oven.

The familia had a 2 hours "carry"...for some reason Max does not like to walk around town with Bex...he wants to be carried. Yikes. They hit up a guardería, daycare, and found out all the niños were gone for the día. We are still looking for a place that Max can go pop in for an hour or so, and just play with some Spanish speaking niños. Stay tuned.

After lugging 16 kilos (that would be Max) all the way to Sorianas...ouch...they made it home in time for a familia swim and then more leche before it was tiempo para la cena.

Good eats...Max loves gravy...and due to an early finish, the boys made a quick prowl to the tienda de verdura y frutas...getting some supplies for tomorrow's fajitas.

Mt favorite part of the day? It could have been looking Max straight into his eyes while we were both under water during family swim. could have been during the 5 minute walk to and from the veggie store. ¿Por que? In that short walk, we met so many peeps that just wanted to say hola to Max, and tell his padre how cute the lil'man is. Hello!!

And then I managed to get some giggles out of a 50 year old senora, when I explained how Max was "hecho en Mexico"...nudge nudge, and born in Canada. Hilarious to hear her giggle!!

Home for tina time and then off to bedtime. Not a bad bedtime, it just took a while. The good news is that the lil'man fell asleep in his cuna...holding Poppa's mano..."of course" as Max would say.

Currently 9pm and Bubba is watching the News, Max is lights out and Bex is hard at work in her oficina...she has lots of work on the go...score!!

And you are all caught up.

Two misc fotos.

Max is a VERY good niño when we are out and about and then pop into tiendas with items that are fragile o delicado. Many of the stores post a sign and I make sure to point it out to Max, each and every time.

We are having some "no tocar" issues at home, so we thought we would give it a try on the stereo, and it seems to work. He even comes to the stereo, points to the sign and says "niños no tocar". Score!!

In case you wondered why, the 644am on the display is because the billing for the Shaw PVR is based in BC. Mind you, it often says 330am when we go to the fridge to grab Max his leche...doph!!

I warned you...and now you are out of luck.

All the guitarras have been sold!!

Ok, that's all mis amigos. Mas fotos mañana!!

Have a great miercoles...I think we are having fajitas on playa Mojon!!

Hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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