jueves, el 27 de febrero de 2014

The look on my face was caused either by eating a bad Cheerio, or because I woke up at 5am. Or both?

Yup....eaaaaarly wake up and the lil'man did not go back to sleep. I took over at 630am and tucked madre in for more zzzz.

The usual morning for us, tranquilo time, desayunos, prowl, leche and then siesta. Pretty straight forward eh?

Great siesta and then I was off to chat up mi amigo, Tony the mecanico. When I arrived at the taller, shop, he was not there, but his posse of 4 amigos were. Just sitting around and shooting the breeze.

The gang looked at the tailgate and then one of them called Tony, who arrived in 5 minutos. The next thing I know, the gang is like a group of surgeons trying to get the tailgate latch off. Nissan has not made it easy, but after 30 minutos in the baking sun...ta-da.

Now...I am not 100% sure it came off like it was supposed to...welcome to Mexico!! Tony and an amigo of his assure me that they can fix the plastic handle, stronger then original they say.

As for getting the whole thing back together...stay tuned as I am back in the shop mañana at 2pm. I will also have Tony install the new rad hose I brought back from Canada.

Then it was off to the very hot gym and after an Isssste pit stop for more of Max's panales, it was home for clean up and then onto prepping and cooking the chorizo y pollo pasta. Delicious as Max says.

As for the familia, post siesta they ate their comida and then packed up and headed off to playa Santa Cruz. And after playing with a new amigo named Sandy, and watching a polka dot covered sting ray in the oceano, they headed to the Palacio.

Kyler was back in town...and gave Max another push. Doph. I guess this time he was getting perturbed with Max flaying his arms...and went Hulk on Max.

After a chat with his own madre, Kyler came over to say sorry and ask if Max was ok. Max's answer..."not ok". Ja ja ja

This is now the 2nd time it has happened, and every time we drive near the palacio, Max makes mention of the 1st incident. And now we have a 2nd occurrence...doph.

Post palacio it was home and straight into la cena. A good dinner and after wolfing down a large plateful, Max helped madre clean up in the kitchen as I cleaned up the dance palace.

A little dance and then onto tina time y FT con Oma y Opa. Bed time? The lil'guy has RLS...restless leg syndrome and Bex solved this last night with a little leg massage. He received the same tonight and it might have worked...that and he was pooped out after a 5am wake up and a full day.

The Whisperer needed only 25 minutos and the lil'guy was in his cuna lights out. Score!!

So, at 810pm, I type away, Max is asleep and Bex...is making chocolate chip cookies!!

Onto the fotos.

Post desayunos and pre-prowl...time for a little business.

Wait a minute...are you taking fotos?

Looks like madre taught him the OCP!! Oh madre!!

Pre-prowl poser.

And for you Opa, cinco.

I wonder if those palomas are going to Pochutla.

Work those buns senoritas!!

Max's channeling his inner James Dean.

Yamaha pit stop.

Why hello el gato. ¿Como estas?

Look El Gato...cinco!!

Guess who just got busted for sticking his finger IN El Gato's ear?

As The Mayor took a pit stop, a large car pulled up and everyone started pointing at Max, and asking me questions about him. Of course they did.

Lately, there has been some interest in understanding shadows.

Ayer, we noticed that some D-A had left his chewed chicle, gum, on Max's perch. So we put a hoja down and covered it up before Max sat down.

Today when we walked by, Max said "hoja, no sit on goma" and promptly grabbed a leaf, covered the gum and then continued on the prowl home.


Max put a smile on his Oma y Opa's faces when we finished the FT. He has been listening to me say hello to my parents, in Dutch, and he said "dag Oma" y "dag Opa" (dakh). The niño is 2 years and 4 months old, and now knows words in 3 languages!!

OK, you are all caught up. Mañana? Flu shot for the lil'man and we also have our weekend shopping trip to Sorianas. And we are back to Mojon on sábado.

Hasta mañana!!

Marco, Bexico y Maxico

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