lunes, el 3 de febrero de 2014

The lil'man post swim at the CP alberca, con su madre.

Buenos noches. Now, THAT was truly a Superbowl...if you are a Seahawks fan!! Enjoyed the game and loved when Max ran out of his tina, came into the sala and said "Superbowl". Score!!

Wow...650pm and round one is already underway, almost over. I guess it was because of the quick cena, quick clean up, quick dance party and quick tina time. Here's hoping it is a quick bedtime!! Buen suerte Poppa.

How was the day? A bit of a blur, but still a good day. Max found out his madre was in charge last night, and instead of plopping his head back on the pillow after his 3am wake up, he was head over heels to see his madre, and demanded some Momma singing and rocking. Oh Max.

He was up early and I recall a little face saying hello to me at 6am, but Bex gave me another 45 and then I took over.

The usual AM rutina...tranquilo time, desayunos (huge), the AM prowl and then  onto leche y siesta.

Post nap, I was off to el gimnasio and then the usual afternoon for me, but I also pit stopped into Santa Cruz abarrotes and scored on both cheddar cheese and apple sauce. Can a día get any better? Ja ja ja

Clean up, putter around, look at some blog fotos and then off to cook Bubba Burgers...muy facil.

Post siesta, the familia had their comida and then the plan was to go to the twin's Palacio after they had a swim in the CP alberca.

But, Max had such a fun time in the pool, the visit to the Palacio was postponed, and after a leche tanque up, it was a centro prowl for Max y madre.

Home in time for some more leche and some time on the iPad, and then off to dinner. And you are all caught up.

Onto the rest of the fotos. Now...some of them are not as crisp as the others. ¿Por que? After 1100 fotos on the great Canon T3i, the battery needed recharging.

How crazy was the trip in BC? I bought the new camera and did not even look at it until we were back in Huatulco. I thought, doph, that the battery from my T1i would be the same size, and guess isn't. Argh. Fingers crossed the new one lasts until I can get one bought in Canada and brought down.

So, some of these fotos are from the crappy Sony DSC W730...doph.

Max posing on the escalera, pre-prowl.

What a tonto niño!!

No keeping secretos..Max pointing out where the camioneta verde bumped into the carro.

At the guard shack.

Amazed at something. Max is amazed at many things.

Doph...we were headed to the banco to collect some pesos that had been sent by our landlord. But Bubba forgot today was a holiday, and thus, the banco was cerrado.

Find a silla, find Max test driving it.

For Max, this was the highlight of the prowl.

Oh yes, El Gato has returned from a trip to Pochutla, or that is where we have told Max he went. I guess he is still around and the senorita working in the tienda, says they feed it desayunos every day, and then it just prowls around the rest of the day.

Due to our later prowl, we lucked out and Max was one happy niño!!

Pit stop on the cooler belonging to a scuba (self contained underwater breathing apparatus) shop.

Post el gimnasio, I headed home and saw that Max y madre's bici was still locked to the alberca to see if they were still swimming.

Having been spotted, the lil'man comes over for a hola hola.

And look at the smile his Poppa received!! Score!!


Oh, hot season is on the way. Wow, did the humido return quickly. Max and I do our best to stay in the sombra during our prowls, and agua is a must!!

On the prowl, I was amazed at Max as he would point to an area and then recall something that had happened on a prowl maybe 6 months ago. Interesting to see what he remembered, and most of it was based on amigos or amigas he had met on a walk.

Mañana? The banco, we are going to the hospital to see if we can get Max's vacuna and then a familia Che run!! And of course, we will see what other excitement comes our way.

Have a great martes!!

Marco, Bexico y Max

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