viernes, el 15 de noviembre de 2013

Now that is the look of a niño that slept from 745pm thru to 545am, with only one 5 minute wake up!! But this is also the same niño that after falling asleep for his siesta, unassisted, decided 45 minutes was a long enough siesta...less then half of what he normally sleeps. Doph.

The good news is that at 7pm, bedtime is about to start and Max made it through the afternoon in a fine state of mind. Much of that can be credited to his madre who spent the complete afternoon with him!!

As for the rest of our día, due to the sleep in (545am is a sleep in?), we managed to have a prowl, a huge desayunos, a Che run AND a familia swim. Now that is a busy morning!!

Post mini-siesta (I had no siesta), Poppa cleaned up the casa and then dragged his butt to the gym. Then it was home for pre-cena prep and by that time, the familia returned from their 3 hour prowl around town. Wow.

We all took advantage of a shaded pool and had another familia swim, before I headed up to cook la cena. But before I got to the pool, guess who managed to tread water by himself...for 90 seconds?  

Wow...that is a huge improvement over last week's 10 seconds. And as Max gets tired or sees is head start to dip, he is now making the adjustment to keep his face out of the water. So cool to watch!!

As for la cena, good eats of pollo muslo, arroz y papas.  Follow that with some tranquilo time in the palace, tina time, Ft con Oma y Opa...and you are caught up.

Onto the fotos.

And the prowl has begun.

The "people" series.

And after seeing all those peeps, time to take a Cheerio break on this rock.

Light on happens.

We will see how the noche goes, and if all goes well, we are off to Mojon in the morning. And yes, Max can now say "Playa Mojon".

Buen fin de semana y hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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