lunes, el 11 de noviembre de 2013

Max is all giggles with Hector, one of the trabajadores here at the CP.

Buenos tardes!! Currently 445pm and CFE was going to be here from 4-6pm to work on a transformer...but alas, they did not show up again. In wonder who really is in charge of arranging these things.

But today we are better prepared. Power off? Out for dinner. Power still on? The familia will return before 530pm and will be greeted by a chorizo y pollo pasta on penne. Score. As for when this "work" will happen on the transformer? Your guess is as good as mine.

Best part of my day? Only 445pm and I can already tell you that it was feeding mi hijo his comida. Bex relieved me from siesta duty and I got ready for el gimnasio and as I was just about ready to eat my comida and head out the door...the lil'man came out of his bedroom and bee-lined for his Poppa.

Oh he loves me...but I think he loves what I am eating more!! Ja ja ja

So I hoist him onto the tall counter top of the island and give him a few bites of my fried huevo sandwich. He rubs his tummy and says yummy.

Bex pulls his lunch out of the fridge and the 3 of us finish my comida and then start in on Max's. No tooting my horn, but my success rate on getting Max to eat his meals is very high, and today's lunch was no different. Score!!

As for the rest of the day....

Bex has lots of work and some pressing deadlines, so Bubba has had the night shift for the past few nights, and maybe for the next few. Bex is finishing up in her oficina quite late and needs to hit the sack. Ol'man Van is in bed by 1030pm and all is good!!

Last night Max slept right through until a very soaked life preserver needed changing. Once that happens there is no point in putting him back into his cuna, so into the bed with Poppa he went.

Oh, do I love the siestas with the lil'man? Darn right. But a siesta is different then the last hours of his sleep at night. He is one restless, leg twitching niño and even though he may be asleep...Poppa has bruises!! Ja ja ja

I was prepping the security wall between us (pillows), when someone woke up and said "leche...pleeeease". I was concerned it was 4am...but as I looked towards the curtains, I saw some light!! 615am...score!!

615am means short video session, short tranquilo time in the Palace, a shorter prowl, desayunos (huge today) and that all leads to...familia swim time!! Score!!

Great prowl and hello...great familia swim time!!

Great siesta and after our kitchen counter lunch, I was off to el gimnasio and then came home expecting no luz, no power.

The familia is at the playa and will be home in 30 minutos. So...onto the fotos.

We start with the fotos that could have been and should have been...better.

I don't know what you think, but I think some of those last ones would have been pretty neat...if it wasn't for the Sony DSC-W730.

And we move on to some clearer fotos.

That is 2 years of growth being flung around.

Whoa...head rush!!

Max never stops looking, listening and thinking. His expressions say it all.

Cheerio frown?


Señor Curio, sniffing the situation out!!

Ok, off to cook la cena. I will finish this up tonight. Hasta pronto!!

715pm and round one of bedtime is under way. And just when I thought I had already had the best part of mi dí seems we have a tie.

Our FT con Oma y Opa was postponed due to pre-tina time running longer then scheduled. Por que?

The Palace was cleaned and ready for Max to have some tranquilo time, when he started dancing and doing his new "move".

We are going to have to get it on video, but imagine Max jumping up and down, and then all of a sudden these back kicks are happening. It used to be one kick, and that was called "The Move". Ask Max to do The Move, and you would get one kick.

Now? It looks like Bruce Lee action if you ask me!!

So this lasted 15 minutes or is hoping it pooped him out. Oh, I am such a dreamer!!

Being a Commonwealth celebration, Remembrance Day is not celebrated here in Mexico, but we hope you had a good day.

You are all caught up. Have a great martes.

Hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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