miercoles, el 27 de noviembre de 2013

As seen through the rear view mirror...two cool customers on their way to playa Mojon!! (we were at the stop light)

Wow, what a difference today was. First off, the trip to and from Mojon was a pleasure!! Not sure what the difference was with Max vs the last time, but he was in great spirits. Score!!

And esta noche, tonight, falling asleep took a total of 50 minutos vs the 90 it took last night. Doble score!!

The lil'man had a full día and was pooped by the end of it. All he wanted to hear as he fell asleep, was me singing "the ity bity ider song"...he is still working on his s's.

Overall, a great day that started muy temprano as Max woke up at 5am and the first thing out of his boca was the word "alberca", pool. I guess he was dreaming about some swimming!!

We managed to slumber for another 30 minutos, but at 530am he was up and looking for his leche y videos.

So we followed our usual early morning rutina and due to the 5am wake up, there would be no pre-siesta familia swim.

We had a nice and long prowl, with the first 30 minutes of it being spent right her on the CP grounds...but after the "dance" was over, we went back upstairs, changed the panale and were on our way!!

After the prowl, time for a huge desayunos...hola hola to pan frances miercoles, and then onto some tranquilo time and then siesta time.

Post siesta...we loaded up and were off to playa Mojon. Thanks to Momma, we were set up with Max's comida and some other treats in the cooler...score y gracias madre!!

A super time at the playa...Max had a blast and so did we. We had some squatters under our palapa, Jay y Crista, so while Max played with madre on the playa, I hung out under the palapa with it's cool breeze.

But when Bex went for a boogey board, Max hung out with us and was such a fun character. Not timido and after some leche y sandwich, he was a super well behaved and funny lil'man...muy tonto!!

After a few hours we headed home and as the familia headed to the alberca to clean up and have a swim, Poppa was upstairs getting the condo ready for the PM rutina y cooking up la cena. I must say, I am enjoying the Bubba fajitas!!

We ran late, so there was a very short tranquilo time in the Palace, and then off to tina time and as Max wanted out, it was off to the bedroom. 

Books y leche, followed by Poppa's singing, and it was lights out in the cuna. Score!!

Currently 915pm and as the lil'man dreams about albercas, Bex is hard at work in the oficina and Bubba types away while keeping one ojo on the screen and one on the tele.

Onto the fotos.

What's this, a foto of Max looking into the camera? Score!!

What, you thought you would see two of those in a row? Dreamer!! But you do get a good view of the Max Van chinos!!

Max has picked up this hoja, to be used in his cleaning up of the hormigas. This took 15 minutes...stay tuned for the fotos!!

Oh hormigas...I see you down there!!


Back to work.

Hmmm...how will I clear the hormigas out of my arbol favrito?

Poste...no hormingas.




All good, Cheerios in hand and the hoja in Poppas bolsillo, pocket.

But not for long, as there are more hormigas that need sweeping away!!

I LOVE the fact that our hijo does not mind being tonto, silly...like his padre y madre!!

After a hard afternoon on the playa...time to tanque up on the leche!!

Not sure how he received the sand patch on his face...doph.

Every now and then, I see a foto that makes me stop and say "poor kid...looks like his Poppa", and this next foto would be one!!

Super zoom from the Sony DSC-W730...I think that is the Mexican navy, the marinas.

Misc tid bit...Jerry, our cleaner, asked me if we were celebrating Día Gracias this week. Huh? Until I figured out she was referring to the American Thanksgiving. I spent some time talking to her about Black Friday and she was amazed that people looking for gran ofertas, great sales, would wait outside tiendas at midnight.

Ok, you are all caught up. Have a great jueves y hasta mañana!!

Marco, Bexico y Max

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