miercoles, el 6 de noviembre de 2013

Buenos noches!!

Currently 715pm and round one of bedtime is half way done. Time to jot down a few notes and ready The Whisperer to go in and close the show.

Other then some more 4am wackiness, Max had a great sleep and even slept in until 6am...score!!

You all know what 6am sleep in means...familia swim time before leche y siesta time!!

So the boys waited for the alarm on Poppa's watch to go off at 705am, and then laced them up and were headed out the door for an almost 2 hour prowl.

Grabbed our pan and once that was eaten, we were off to Poopie Loopie for some "sexy legs" molida res for tonight's cena.

Home for desayunos, some tranquilo y business time and then off to the alberca...where Max has upped his solo swim game to 15 segundos!!

He did not want to leave the pool, continually saying "swim" as we continued the 5 minute count down to exit time. He was a good niñõ and came out when he was due. A little tough to wrassle him into a dry panale, but after that is said and done, Bex chases him back to the condo.

Max tanque'd up and then was lights out. A looooong siesta with a brief wake up...it did not take much convincing to get his ojos to close again.

Post siesta and it was right into comida and dish washing for the familia. After that they made their way to the mall and then spent the rest of the afternoon at the playa.

Me? Post comida I was off to el gimnasio and then took a stroll through centro on the way home. Nice to see the gang as normally I now head straight home post-gym.

A little tranquilo time, but then it was right into getting the condo set up for the PM rutina, throwing in some wash and cooking la cena....Bubba Burrito lunes.

The familia came home early enough for some leche y clean up and then right into la cena. Easy clean up and due to being finished early, we gave Max some more Palace time before moving him into the tina.

A quick hola hola to Oma y Opa, some tears when he was reminded not to drink bath water, and then off to the bedroom. And you are all caught up.

Onto the fotos.

Watching THIS video (3 times), while waiting for the 705am alarm (go for walk alarm) to go off.

Pointing at motos.

Pika pika.

Showing Poppa where the hormigas live.


Pan break.

Max became muy tonto with the mirror, posing for it. And then he did this.

And then this...I have no idea why.

Take a look at this creative señor.

Let's see...moto, no helmets, niña sitting on his lap, and....wearing a bebé strapped to his chest. Is common sense a learned thing or supposed to be instinctual?

Outside the Bhuddhist temple? 

Nope...outside the polleria...chicken depot.

Look whose new massive signage has been raised.

Two more weeks until the new Sorianas opens. Score!!

Just a foto of a senorita and her spare tire, llanta.

We had another great bedtime...Max has taken to falling asleep fairly easily...knock on wood. Next up...napping without needing assistance. Stay tuned.

Have a great jueves.

Hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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