sábado, el 9 de noviembre de 2013

Buenos noches!!

Not the quickest bedtime, but still lights out by 8pm and Max is managing to fall asleep on his own. Yes I am next to him, holding his hand, but it is still on his own.

Yes it is after singing "la,la,la" at the top of his voice, followed by the Balloon Song, but it is still on his own.

Best part? As he falls asleep on the bed, holding my hand, I get up to move him to the cuna. Tonight I had to find Pudge, and while I do that, Max sits up and waits for me to grab him and plop him into the cuna.

He knows it is coming and is a-ok with it. Only a few months ago, that would have been impossible...we are making headway!!

Worst part of mi día...followed by the best part? Post tina time and it was panale time in the bedroom. Max is on the bed, fighting the panale and is in a frog position. He springs up and stops millimeters from the wall.

It freaked me out as I was thinking neck, face etc. I am visibly shaken and Max sees this and gets concerned for me. I told him that I had been scared, and why, and over the next few minutes while I gather my composure, the lil'man lays on a few besitos and some serious "it's ok Poppa" hugs. Our hijo is a very caring soul!!

As for the rest of the día...when Bex is in charge of the night...Max has wacky requests. Leche, singing and the such...at wacky hours of the day. But...he does seem to sleep in until 6am with her!!

And what a difference one day makes!! I had a one day bug and feel great today, and Max was super easy on the prowl, during desayunos and during familia swim.

Wanting to have a full morning before the siesta, we started the prowl early and it was a long one. Up to see the construction of the Sorianas, off to see the gallos, and then into town for our pan.

A huge desayunos and today it did not take much assistance from Poppa as Max was hungry and wolfed down most of it himself.

Finished muy temparano, so it was tranquilo time in the Party Palace and then off to the alberca con madre. And how has lil'Max's swimming progressed?

Click HERE for video from today...in the deep end!!

The pool deck is now packed with pool chairs and loungers, as during the off season, everyone locks theirs up in their condos.

Other then the swimming, the best part of pool time was when I plopped Max onto the pool deck and he walked up to all the peeps sitting in the chairs, and bumped knuckles with them.

They all have seen Max grow over the past 2 years, and were all happy, if not a little amazed, to see him have no issues walking up to "strangers" and say hola by bumping knuckles.

Upstairs for leche tanque up, a long siesta and then onto the afternoon. Bex y Max had their comida and it is great to watch the two of them in the cocina. Max standing on a blue bin and making his lunch while Bex gives him some guidance.

They had a fiesta to go to, but something fell through and they could not find the peeps at the prescribed location and time. Doph. No crisis...playa time!!

I hit the gym and after taking ayer off to sleep, I had a great work out....score.

Home for clean up and tranquilo time and then it was leche time and Lego block time. Bex took over and into the cocina I headed...chuletas de cerdo...easy dinner.

Good eats and Max ate a huge helping again!! Finished early enough for some Palace time before tina time, and Max was in awe of the luces de Navidad we have. I think talking about Santa on the 23rd will be a very exciting time for all of us!!

Off to tina time, FT con Oma y Opa and off to bed...and you are all caught up.


Let's see how many attempts were made of taking a foto, with Max looking at the camera, before I finally scored on one.

I think this makes 8.

But at least we a smile out of him!!

And a goofy grin.

People. Note that Max has something in both his hands. He started with his glasses on, and then took them off. He then asked me for the bolsa of Cheerios and I asked him if he wanted me to hold the glasses. His answer was "no". I asked him how he planned on eating any Cheerios and after a few minutes, you know who was holding the glasses!!

Max understands sombra, shade, as we try to stay in it during our prowl. Today we spent some time talking about shadows, this one created by el sol at 715am.

Waving adios to a Gas Oaxaca truck.

Rock stars have their moments.


To read a nice Vancouver Sun article about a very small village about an hour away from Huatulco, click HERE.

Race day domingo and I am not sure who is more excited, Bubba or the lil'man!!

Have a great Sunday y hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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