viernes, el 6 de septiembre de 2013

Buenos noches!!

And on the 4th morning, the 5am wake up returned. Oh Max. But hey...we had 3 sleep ins!!

Bex took care of the lil'man until Bubba was awake, and then we still had 30 minutes or so before the sun was even up. Lot's of time to get desayunos ready, clean the leche bottles, write a novel etc.

No urgent morning plans (Che, INM etc), so we had a tranquilo prowl and then home for the eats. Mixed morning weather wise, but we managed to score some sol for familia swim time, and then it was time for the late morning siesta.

The boys needed this one and Max was lights out for a solid 2.5 hours.

Usual afternoon for Bubba...lunch, gym, hide the leche and then get the casa ready for the familia y burger viernes!!

And after their comida, the familia had a great afternoon on the playa...good olas, a little viento and not too hot. That and Max loves the oceano and was super swell to another niño who was from DF and was very scared of the agua.

Great dinner, easy clean up, hola to the FT con Oma y Opa during tina time and then off to bed. Currently 720pm and madre is on round one...stay tuned.

Onto the fotos.

The AM prowl launching pad...after gathering his thoughts.

Showing off today's ensemble, while posing with a water hose.

Rear view...toight...tight!!

Watching the Policia Municipal band 730am!!

You don't want to rush moments, or decisions like this.

Misc fotos.

Feeding time.

How many trabajadores do you count?

Without the driver, there are 12 (10 in back and 2 passengers in the front) and before the camioneta arrived, Max walked down the line and high fived, choque, each one of them.

Ayer, the big news was the new Coppel that has opened. Today's news is all about the new Soriana!!

It is under construction somewhere in Huatulco, and is like a Stupid Store (Super Store) that Canadians may know. Lots off food, and home goods. Our little town is growing up!!

Click HERE if you are bored and want to see Soriana's webpage.

And if you bring your pet to Huatulco, they can always stay here.

This is the delivery truck for the panificadora that Max and I visit many a morning. Every time Max sees one of the 2 trucks, he points and says "pan", bread.

The zocalo has been spruced up for the big day!!

Bedtime update? Bubba scored and it was a 20 minute session...after 50 x "momma", 25 x "poppa" and  a few "cuesto menos" and "din din's".


Did I tell you I honestly think the condo has a ghost or spirit? Several times I have been asleep on the bed and it feels like someone has sat down on the mattress...and there is no one there. Freaky.

Max made me laugh out loud today while we were having our pan. He saw some raisins in the bread and jumped up and pointed at them and then as we continued to eat the bread, all he could do was say raisin and ensure he ate them all.

And how is our communications coming along? During desayunos he was pointing to something on the floor and I asked him what he was pointing to.

He said "bug" and sure enough, there was a hormiga on the floor. I grabbed a Kleenex, wiped it up and threw it in the basura. Max's reply to this? He said "adios". What a funny niñ a great way!!

Ok, you are all caught up.

Race day is mañana!!

Have a great weekend!!

Marco, Bexico y Max

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