jueves, el 12 de septiembre de 2013

After some running around inside the Party Palace, Max enjoys an early morning cool down, before the boys head out on the AM prowl.

Buenos noches and welcome to a wet Thursday here in Huatulco!! Septiembre is living up to it's reputation as the wettest mes in Huatulco.

We had an overcast morning, allowing for a good prowl and after desayunos, we even managed to get in a familia swim. The temperature of the agua was a little cool, but the breeze that you felt when you exited the pool....brrrr!!

Probably 27,0 grados and knock off a few grados due to the wind chill!!

And when the boys woke up from their siesta...holy downpour Batman!! It slowed down enough for Bubba to walk to el gimnasio con paraguas, umbrella, and without the umbrella on the way home.

The playa was out for the familia...hola to a post comida prowl and then into the camioneta verde and off to the Play Palace...along with all the other niños who wanted to get out of the lluvia!!

We met back at the casa for leche and with an dinner of yummy left overs, no cooking for Bubba. So...off for a pre-cena prowl with the lil'man. Awesome to get out at 730am, even better at 5pm when there are lots of peeps out.

After maybe 50 "hola Max", we headed home and just in time...more rain!!

Good eats, tina time y FT and off to bed. Currently 730pm and in 15 minutes The Whisperer will go in and work his magic.

So, onto the fotos.

As we were walking around on our AM prowl, we bumped into an hombre that we have met many times before. He is a man, about 55 years old, who works very hard, in a very small tienda, up the calle from the CP.

Today he yells hola, which startled Max into a leg hold on his Poppa. But after the hombre came over and I picked up Max, they greeted each other with a choque and then the senor gave Max a juguete.

Not the prettiest thing...it was the torso of a small doll, no arms, only a head...but wearing a bikini. Perfect for Max!!

Here he is figuring out what he has been given.

Moments later the head came off, the toy went into my pocket and after sharing the story with Bex, we agreed the basura was the place for the toy. But it was the though that counted!!

Click on the next foto for a better look...Max has captured the attention of five of the ten trabajadores and is holding court.

And as he left, he did not miss giving a choque to any of the ten!!

Here is a compliment. This poster is at Yamaha, and today they had not yet hung it on the exterior of the tienda. As they are about to, a young man that works there, waits and lets Max come up to it.

And as he does, he promptly points, says "Momma" and gives it a besito and walks away, leaving 5 Yamaha guys howling!!

They have seen it before, and thus they waited for him...but they never seem to tire of it. Just like the guys at Los Portales never get tired of asking Max "como dice caballo?" and then hearing Max neigh like a horse!!

Well...we are officially back to rocking...doph. Max had his 5 yawns and was almost lights out...and then he ramped it back up. So enough was enough and all it took was 5 minutes of rocking.

Not his fault...as we have rocked him for so long, so that is what he is used to and likes. 

Ok, off to watch the News.

It is already viernes? No plans...we will wait and see what the weather brings and allows us to do.

Hasta mañana!!

Marco, Bexico y Max

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