domingo, el 29 de septiembre de 2013

Oh was tranquilo domingo and we were all very laid back.

And how did the sleep training go? Well, the positive is that Max slept all the way from 830pm until 315am...uninterrupted!! The area of opportunity was that at 530am, he sat up and said "done...videos".

Doph. But with a 315am wake up, that was resolved very quickly via singing, I knew 630am was out of reach.

So, the usual 530am rutina happened and by the time it was light out, we were more then prepared for our prowl. Good news was that it was going to be a sunny morning, so that means we will be home by 830am, eat desayunos and be in the alberca by 1015am or so.

And like clock work...ta da.

Good walk, huge desayunos, some Party Palace tranquilo time and then off to the pool.

Nice swim and then it was back upstairs for leche and a very long siesta!! 530am wake ups will do that to a lil'man...and his Poppa!!

Good thing the race was on the PVR!!

After we woke up, I changed Max's panale and this is usually done with some reluctance on his part. But on race day I can make it easy peasy and today I told him I had something good to whisper whisper in his ear.

I whispered that there was a race on the television and he let out a scream, scrambled off the bed, ran to the couch and got both remote controls, grabbed my glasses for me and then pointed to the TV and sad race. Score!!

So we started the race, Max hopped onto his Poppa and the boys settled in for some Nascar!! Vida es buena!!

We all ate our comida and then the familia packed up and hit the playa. I had a few tranquilo hours to watch the race and get us set up for dinner and the PM rutina.

Home for leche and Max's first "time out". He handled it well, almost too well, and I hope we don't have too many more of those to deal fun.

Dinner...reggianno pollo...and then off to tina time, FT and then bed time.

Not sure of this is a señale, sign, or not, but at 745pm, Max y Bex have been on round one for 45 minutos and they just came out for Max's 4th bottle of leche. Oh oh. Stay tuned.

Mean while...onto the fotos.

After insisting we brought the sun glasses so he could wear them, they quickly became a neck accessory and then something for Poppa to carry in his bolsa/bolsillo, pocket.

Max decided it was too frio for hielo.

Cheerio pit stop.

A few misc fotos from ayer.

Crates of mangos.

A trabajadore, worker.

Don't be fooled by the ceiling fans in mi gimnasio. Galdino, the owner, is too cheap to ever turn them on!!

Ok, bed time wasn't too bad. No rocking, lots of singing, and within 30 minutes Max was lights out and then plopped into his cuna...with one belly very full of leche!! Oh, and bottle #4 was a stall tactic!! Oh Max!!

You are all caught up. Off to watch the News and maybe grab some Sunday night NFL!!

Bex has Max watch tonight...hoping his sleep training has paid off...buen suerte!!

Hasta mañana!!

Marco, Bexico y Max

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