viernes, el 13 de septiembre de 2013

Buenos noches y welcome to Friday the 13th!!

38 more days like this, and we will expect to see a man in a robe leading one male and one female animal into his arc.

Wow, it has been on wet day!!

And here is what the satellite is showing us.

The first shot shows bad weather on both sides of the Istmos as well as the track of a storm heading norte.

We are to the right of the red circle, right before a little upwards "cup" in the outline of Mexico.

Suffice it to say, the boys were geared up for a wet weather prowl, and we stayed dry under our paraguas, and by staying under as many awnings as possible.

Light rain when we left the casa and heavy rain when we returned. But knowing there was no familia swim, and we would be off to Che instead, we prowled until 9am.

What to do in this small town on a wet morning? Pit stops at the panificadora, the kiosko and Pepe’s…the fereteria, hardware store.

And at Pepe’s we spent some time playing with the faucets and then max found the front door display, hid amongst them and giggled for 25 minutes!!

After the prowl, off for desayunos and then a familia trip to Che…Bex stopped in at Coppel to buy a gift for a niña…hola hola to a birthday party!!

Late return and a late start to the siesta, but the lil’man was lights out and fell asleep pretty much on schedule.

Up at 2pm and Bubba headed off to el gimansio, walking so the familia could take the camioneta verde to the Play Palace.

Not heavy rain on the way, but once I was in the gym…torrential down pour. I was done my cardio and thinking about the taxi ride home, when the camioneta verde pulled up!! Hola hola to mi familia and a ride home!!

I puttered around the casa while the familia dealt with a large volume of niños who were also trying to keep busy, while out of the lluvia.

A little too much stimulation for Max, and there was a small nuclear event as they left, but once home and with leche in hand…all was well.

Good dinner, easy tina time y FT con Oma, and at 720pm the lil’man is on his 2nd bottle of leche and is headed for lights out.

Due to the lluvia…no foto viernes.

Hoping mañana we get to take the camera out.

Buen fin de semana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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