jueves, el 26 de septiembre de 2013

Yes!! Today we had a sunny afternoon!! Score!!

Buenos noches mis amigos. A new Google search topic for Bubba? Why does my camera not work at all anymore? Argh...more on that later.

Ahhh...the look of a niño that slept in until 620am...with only 3 wake ups during the noche!!

And yes, we call that a very successful night and are hoping that we are starting a new trend. Stay tuned.

Mainly an overcast morning, but we had a good prowl, huge desayunos and then a relaxing, if not poca fría, familia swim.

Maybe it was due to the later wake up, but it was not the easiest siesta...but once it happened, it was a long one. Where does the day go when you wake up at 2pm? Ja ja ja

Bex y Max had their comida and then off to enjoy the sunny afternoon at the playa. Bubba hit the gym and then came home for a quick clean up of the casa. No cooking tonight as we headed out to Los Portales for some good service (only non-Mexicans eat at 6pm...the place was empty) and good food.

Let's see...2 agua mineral, 1 Coca Light, 1 Negro Modelo, fajitas de pollo, farolado de pollo, ensalada, plátanos fritos y propina...all for $410 peso or $34 Cdn. Score!!

Nice walk home, right into tina time and at 725pm, round one of bed time is in progress.

Onto the fotos...the last ones for a few days.

Max and I both look skinnier in the morning!!

Ahhhh...bloque de hielo!!

First off...a little temperature test.

Then I make sure I have my audience.

A quick lift.

A change of mind?

Hielo frio...hielo frio!!

Still during the AM prowl, outside Los Portales, it is time for Maestro Max to play some musica.

The owners of these instruments are "funny". I see these things sitting around different parts of town, all un-locked and un-guarded. This one was still out front after we had finished our cena. And yes, Max played a few more tunes for us.

From the el gimnasio walk...the hombre is almost done cutting the grass. By the time he is finished, it will be time to start at the beginning again.

I call it the industrial section, but it is really also a residential section. Fonatur does not do a very good job on calle up keep in the areas that the tourists normally do not venture into.


The camera had been acting up for months. First was the flash not popping up, then the short lens lost it's ability to auto focus, then the clarity of pictures taken with the long lens started to degrade and then the camera would not power off when I turned it off.

And today as I was walking to the gym, I went to take a foto and there was no power. Now, with the power off issue, I figured the bateria was dead. But when I came home and put in a freshly charged battery...nothing. Argh.

For a DSLR camera, there is almost no selection here in Huatulco. But with the new Coppel open, I should be able to find a small digital camera and be back in business in a few days. Be patient mis amigos.

Hey...look what they sell at the online Coppel site.

$12,000 pesos if you put it on a credit card and only $9,000 if you pay cash.

But, being Mexico...it is not available online and only at 2 tiendas in all of Mexico. Ja ja ja

Funniest face of the day? During la cena, Max taking a bite out of a limon. It was hilarious!!

Every day has lots of new experiences and words, but today we were very excited to see Max holding his breath and nose, and then putting his face in the pool water. Lots of hard work and patience from his madre, has made this possible!!

Bed time update? No rocking (score), many verses of Gilligans AND the One, Two song, but Max fell asleep in his cuna, with a hand sticking through the bars so that he could hold mine.

Currently 910pm, Bex has a small project on the go for a client, Max is asleep and Bubba is catching up on the News.

Wish me luck on my camera hunt y hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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