miercoles, el 11 de septiembre de 2013

Buenos noches amigos!!

Well, we had a GREAT night of sleep at the Van-Arnold household...and knock on wood, here's hoping we have another one tonight.

But...it did not start out as well as last night. Doph. After Bex's bedtime shift was up, The Whisperer went in and after 35 minutes of listening to Max chat it up, I took a pit stop and then came back in with a new plan. Well, it was actually an old plan...a small rock.

Argh. We had gotten away from rocking Max and it was very successful. Oh well...he LOVES the rock and was lights out in only a few minutes.

And what did Max chat about for 35 minutes? There was practicing his greetings of "hola" y "hello", some giggling as he practiced saying "I love you", as well as the wackiness of saying "pan", bread, in 30 different tones or voices.

But the capper? Lil'man farts and then having him say "check", meaning we need to check his panale. Oh what a tonto niño!!

As for the rest of the día...a great day for all of us. 

Prowls, familia swim time, siesta and our usual afternoon. And what was the best part of the día...that I missed?

While at the playa, Max saw the hombre that pushes a cart and sells paletas, popsicles. The hombre attracts attention by blowing a horn and yelling out "paletas". 

What did I miss...while I was at el gimnasio? Max walking down the boardwalk with this hombre, yelling "paletas" even louder then the hombre!!

Bex said it was awesome!!

We all met back at home for la cena, a wacky tina time and then bed time.

Onto the fotos.

Pre-prowl sit.

Bum flexes to keep it from falling asleep...so I am told.

Me? Are you talking about me?

So cool...Max will walk up to the 10 trabajadores, interrupt them, and say hola y adios.

This hombre really likes Max and took the time to bend over and greet him personally.

Poppa...when you go to el gimnasio, I will miss you too.

A besito for until we meet again.

Thanks mi hijo.

Oh oh, act natural...your madre has been taking fotos.

Max y madre on a Poopie Loopie prowl, waving adios to an amiga.

And then to Bubba, who was headed to el gimnasio.

Pre-fabbed in the montañas and then brought into towns to be sold.

Ok, you are all caught up.

Have a great jueves y hasta mañana!!

Marco, Bexico y Max

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