lunes, el 30 de septiembre de 2013

Awww...nothing is cuter then a niño hugging a roll of paper towel!!

Buenos noches and welcome to the last update of septiembre 2013.

A successful day and it started with a good night's sleep for the lil'man...up at 5am, but with only one wake up during the night. For Max, and us, that is a successful night!!

Madre had the night shift and when Poppa woke up, she was deep into her early morning rutina with the lil'man. Books, fotos, videos and lego blocks.

We tucked in madre for some more sleep, and the boys waited for the day break to happen so we could start our prowl.

It was going to be a sunny morning, so with a familia swim in mind, we had our prowl and headed home for another huge desayunos and then some PP tranquilo time.

Nice swim and then leche time and another long siesta. Happy that Max is getting the sleep he needs, even if it is coming in 2 blocks.

Bex ensured I didn't sleep the afternoon away with the lil'man and I got ready for my afternoon rutina...el gimnasio, hide the leche and get the casa set up for dinner and the PM rutina.

After Max woke up, the familia had their comida and Bex changed up the afternoon for the two of them. 

No playa and no Play Palace, but instead it was an afternoon of prowling around centro, using the stroller as both something for Max to push, and to catch a ride in, if he was pooped out.

We met back for leche and then a quick pre-cena prowl. It was hot...but Max is a blast to take around town and he was super well behaved when we prowled the tienda de importaciones...the dollar store.

Great dinner, easy tina time, hola to mis padres and then off to bed. It was a long session, but Max finally fell asleep, holding his Poppa's mano through the bars of the cuna, as his Poppa lay on the floor singing and humming Gilligan!!

At 925pm, the condo is tranquilo as Bex is working upstairs, Bubba has finished the News and watches both some MNF and a pelicula, and the lil'man is dreaming about all the numbers he can now say in ingles y español.

Onto the fotos.

El sol was making an appearance as we started our prowl.

As you can tell by the next 3 fotos, getting Max to look at the camera, can be a chore.

But get him a stoop and a limon, and a foto is bound to occur.

We saw this volcho, Bug, parked on the calle.

Spanish lesson for the day. Masoterapia.

The rest of the sign is self explanatory...masaje, massages.

Max spotted el sol in the logo, and made sure his Poppa saw it too.

Now, later in the day I wanted to check the translation of word masoterapia, as I know the palabras, words, masage y terapia. So I Googled it and this is what I came up with. 

Oh, Comfort Kagaroo massage therapy?

Post pan pit-stop and the lil'man is in charge of the bolsa.

During desayunos, Max became VERY attached to the roll of paper towel, and the pictures of elefantes on the packaging.

And you are all caught up.

Mañana? Oh, it is the beginning of the new month...time for September's weather recap!!

Have a great martes y Feliz Cumpleaños to mi hermana!!

Marco, Bexico y Max

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