martes, el 24 de septiembre de 2013

Oh yes, we woke up to dark skies again!!

Too bad I hadn't looked out the right window and saw the dark nubes before working our way downstairs...we had to trudge back up to grab the umbrella...just in case of lluvia.

But the good news is that we had only a light sprinkle during the prowl...all the lluvia came later in the day...doph. More on that later.

A wacky night...but what is new with that? 

So, we started the day and with a Che run in mind, we had a shorter prowl, followed by our desayunos.

Off to Che in a light rain and all was good until we started packing the groceries up, and Max was not happy. Doph. I might have pushed his siesta too late and it was starting to show.

Headed home and after leche we had a true melt down, and those are muy raro. After some time with both his madre y padre, Max finally fell asleep and had a decent siesta.

Post siesta we all had our comida and with the weather being too iffy, the familia headed to the Play Palace to say hola hola to the twins, and Bubba was off to the lab...oops, gym.

We met back at the casa for so oh so yummy cena, off to tina time and then bed time. Easy peasy bed time...knock on wood, and at 845pm, Bex is up in the oficina, cleaning up her office as well as the frigging light cover that just broke...because Bubba did not install it tightly enough. Argh.

Max is lights out and his Poppa will be on duty tonight as he seems to not "ask" to be rocked when I am in charge on the over night shift. We need to get this training completed as it is time for him to be able to fall asleep by himself not only at bed time, but if he wakes up in the middle of the night. Stay tuned...and wish us luck!!

Onto the fotos.


And having been "caught", Max assumes the position. Oh Max.

And for his next what Magician Max conjures up.

From within his hair...ta-da...a limo-mandarina!!

Trabajadore Max about to hit the road con sus amigos.

Eagle ojo Max spotted the Minion character on this sign and I told him I would take a foto for him.

He does not know the word Minion, but due to THIS video, he knows the song and sings it when he sees the characters.

The hardest working alcoholic in town.

He keeps certain areas clean in return the tiendas give him food or pesos.

From today's walk to el gimnasio...el gato on a ledge, keeping dry.

From the walk home...mas agua.

Tough gig...selling mangoes in the rain.

Pit stop for the hombre who has been lugging this bed frame around town, trying to make a sale.

From ayer...baches, pot holes, caused by the lluvia.

Due to the fact that this is the ruta I take when I walk to el gimnasio, I have seen this stretch of calle repaired at least a dozen times. Doph.

Home made pylon.

Hands free cell...Mexican style.

I saw this hombre pulling this large wicker basket and was curious what was in it.

After some organized set up, I see the basket was full of pan, bread, for sale.

We just had our 9pm rain shower...more rain? This is our 15th day of septiembre con lluvia, while last year we had 8 days total. This has been one wet mes!!

Ok, you are all caught up.

Wish us luck for tonight and for some dry weather mañaña!!

Hasta luego.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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