lunes, el 16 de septiembre de 2013

Oh yes, Max is in a party mood...and good thing too as it is una día de fiestas!! Feliz Cumpleaños to Oma, y feliz Día de la Independencia!!

Buenos tardes!!

645pm and I am listening to screams of delight coming from Max's tina!!

Hey, what a great way to relax before dinner...last night Bex found the much delayed race on TV, and she PVR's the last 40 laps for me. Score....grassy ass Bexico!!

As for our día...the rain stayed away!! We had a day of mixed sol y nubes, but with no rain...score.

Max slept in and the boys hit the road just before 730am. Good prowl and some fun fotos to follow.

Home for desayunos and then off to Che. Why Che? We had tested the agua in the alberca...brrrr...agua fria!! We will give it another day or so and then get back to familia swim time.

No scores at Che, but Max was a blast and ended up giving and getting a few abrazos y besitos from the niños he met inside.

Home for leche y siesta and then Bubba headed off to el gimnasio and the familia had a prowl, their comida and then were social at a niña's 2nd birthday party.

Bex and I are still thinking about what to do for Max's 2nd and a scary clown (like the one today), is not in the cards!!

Max won't remember this party, so we are planning on keeping it low key. A few amigos, some more Pinjuinos (postres) and some chelas!!

After the pool party, the familia raced home for la cena and then we followed that up with the usual tina time, a birthday FT con Oma y Opa and at 725pm, round one of bedtime is almost up. Hola hola to The Whisperer!!

Onto the fotos.

Pre-prowl and Max is gathering his thoughts.

And then he blows his madre a besito, even though she is upstairs asleep, and off we go.

He was very clear to me as we left the CP complex...hielo, he wanted to go to the hielo.

I think his belly button is frozen to the bloque?

Poppa...I tried something new...and that isn't my belly button!!

 Having thawed out, Max goes over to an amiga to say hola hola...and lay on an abrazo, hug.

And then...ta-da, the parade started. Click on the fotos for a larger view.

When in Mexico, do as the Mexicans do.

Hey these moves.

Why, hola hola mi senoritas!!

Oh yeah, mi nombre es Max.

See Poppa, that is how you meet the senoritas.

Off to the fiesta with the amigas.


Click on foto and you will see the Marinas in camo and note the soldier on the far right, with his back to the parade. Yup, so many attacks on the militar, they are always on guard for their own safety.

For 10 minutes we watched this gruas (means hook) try to load this car...they left without it.

Ok, what happens first? Hiccups stopping or falling asleep? Either way, I had the enjoyment of Max falling asleep on my lap and then I lay there and listened to him snore for 30 minutes before I lobbed him into his cuna.

The words are coming fast with the lil'man. Lots of "please" and today when I asked him "¿como estas?", how are you?, he replied bien bien. What a character!!

Ok, time to watch some NFL and then hit the sack.

Have a great martes y hasta mañana!!

Marco, Bexico y Max

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