martes, el 3 de septiembre de 2013

Oh yes, the lil'man is ready to celebrate the fiesta on 16 de septiembre, Día de la Independencia!!

A usual type of martes for us, with the exception of Max being awake from 5-530am and then Bex managing to coax him to sleep until 7am!!

This morning it was a little overcast and cool, so we stuck to the long prowl and a short 2nd prowl, with the hope of a familia swim mañana.

After the AM rutina, including a huge desayunos, was over, it was time for a long siesta and due to the 7am wake took a while. Another of the dreaded 2pm wake ups...I am not sure what time Max woke up!! Ja ja ja

I hit the gym and then it was home to hide the leche and get us set up. The familia had their comida and the sun stayed out long enough for them to hit the playa for the first time in a few days.

Max LOVED the oceano and the two of them had a great afternoon, even though the storms have filled the oceano with a lot of debris...dead fish and the such. Yech.

The nube rolled in around 330pm and we even had a 6pm shower to cool things down...and after last night's 25,6 grados, we are already on the way as at 840 pm, it is 27,6 sin humido...brrr.

Good dinner, the usual tina time y FT and then off to bed.

Looooong bedtime session, but the lil'man managed to fall asleep in his cuna.

Best part of mi día? After plopping the lil'guy into his cuna, I put my hand on his back and sing to him, trying to help him over that last fall asleep hurdle.

As he falls asleep, I slowly remove my hand and today he raised his head, gave me a wink, grabbed my hand and tugged it close to his chest. Awesome!!

And then 5 minutes later he was singing cuesto menos, Gas Oaxaca y el sol. Doph. Oh well, he is just a little guy.

But he is asleep onto the fotos.

Oh, someone loves his AM prowls!!

Unless Poppa takes too long taking fotos. Hurry up Poppa!!

Ahhhhh, the limon Gods have shone on me!!

All that limon-cising has pooped out the lil'man.

But after desayunos and a new set of clothes, look who is re-energized!!

Oh, it must be lunchtime.

As seen on my walk to el gimnasio.

Ok, it's 30 plus grados out, I am wearing dry fit and sweating it up, and this hombre in full winter selling blankets? I tell you, it must be a DNA thing!!

Muy peligroso...and you wonder why there are so many lil'crosses on the side of the highway.

Today's Spanish lesson.

They sell (venta) chicozapotes...small sapotes from the Finca Flor de Durazno, the Pleach Blossom Farm.

I thought the fruta in the picture was a mamey, and did not know what a zapote was, so I looked it up.

Click HERE to read more about zapotes/sapotes.

While in el gimnasio, I spotted this cachorro, puppy, from across the canal.

I did go across the canal to warn the owners, but they got to the puppy before I got there.

Sunny walk to the gym, clouds rolled in and at 6pm we had some showers. Here is a view to the montañas to the norte.


In today's newspaper there were reports of a big storm on the East coast, reports of alligators in some rivers near Puerto Escondido and then updates on this tragic on.

Not that Max was destined for Mexican public school, but here in Oaxaca, we would NEVER have him in public school. Por que? The maestros are on strike again and none of the kids are getting educated. The issues are money (of course) and the teachers do not want to take an evaluation test.

Huh? Oh yes, here in Mexico, you can be a teacher if it runs in your degree needed. Grandma was a teacher, so your mom became a teacher and it is your right to become a teacher.

The government is trying to evaluate the teachers and see what level their education is really at...and thus a strike.

Now, not all teachers are like that, but they have a union, Sección 22 and as the union dictates, you follow.

Interested in reading more? Click HERE or a Globe and Mail story.

Ok, you are all caught up.

Mañana? We might have a cita to get Max's chipped teeth polished. Oh that should be a barrel of laughs. to INM for fingerprints!!

Have a great miercoles.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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