viernes, el 5 de julio de 2013

Doph...early morning panale wedgie.

Buenos noches from damp Huatulco.

Yup, we had lluvia overnight, a dry morning and then more showers during most of the afternoon. It is currently 815pm and the lluvia has stopped and it is a cool 27,0 grados.

And anoche, we were in the low 25’s….brrr.

Max was up early again and the boys hit the road at 730am for a long prowl. We are spending more and more time talking about walking safety and Max is actually paying attention.

Quite often he will point to an uneven spot in the sidewalk and then do a stutter step, or he will point to a spot where he had previously fallen, and point to the part of his body that he hurt. Smart niño.

Great desayunos and due to the early wake up and due to the fact that the alberca would be full of cold rain water, we had a quick 2nd prowl vs a famila swim.

Home for a leche tanque up and a good siesta and next thing you know, it is 130pm.

Bex y Max went for their pre-comida prowl and then after their lunch they went for a prowl in the lluvia.

I took the camioneta to el gimnasio and then off to Fonatur to drop off the recycling and onto Che.

Is Bisquick a score? If so, count me in as lucky!! Hello to some home made biscuits!!

After paying for the groceries and as I am headed to the camioneta, who do I see? Mi familia!! I guess they had walked to Che so they could prowl the aisles and get out of the rain. They must have arrived before me, as they did not see the camioneta verde, and trust me, Max would have ah ah’d.

So I shopped while they prowled and we did not bump into each other until I was leaving. They had already headed out the door when they saw the truck and turned around to find me. Now finding your familia at Che is a real score!!

I drove the 2 of them back to centro and they walked a few blocks home while I went into a taller to talk to some peeps about getting some security bars made for our living room windows.

Yup, Max has been caught climbing onto the couch and with the windows right there and only a mosquito screen preventing a fall, time to safeguard the lil’man.

I had the measurements and most of the words en español, but the hombre wanted to come to the condo to check it out. He said he would be there at 6pm and you know what that means…anytime between 6pm and 659pm.

But…my faith in Mexican workers has been somewhat restored. At 601pm, the hombre arrived with the jefé, probably his padre o hermano!! I made sure to compliment them, and they kinda looked at me as "thanks, but you white peeps are weird". Ja ja ja

We reviewed the design, he made some notes, whipped out a calculator and quoted me $480 pesos cada una, for one. Not a bad price, so I paid for one and they will return on martes at 10am. Stay tuned.

Max was starring the complete time…what are these hombres doing in our house at dinner time?

We finished our eats, cleaned up, had a fun tina time (we have missed our Oma y Opa FT 2 days in a row...Max misses his abuelos) and then off to bed.

After 30 minutes, The Whisperer entered the dark recamara and expected to have to sing a few verses. I turned on the night light and found Max asleep in his cuna and madre asleep on the bed!!

After listening to Bex chat while she was still asleep…”if you don’t talk about the chocolate, I won’t need some”…she woke up and asked me if I had a good time and where had I gone. One day, if you ask, I may have to post my video of Bex talking in her sleep…classic.

Good news…Bex is fully awake and has been given more work by the peeps at What they are doing with the pictures she creates, we don’t know. Stay tuned.

Some fotos.

Max likes to take a sit to gather his thoughts and just to people watch.

Sometimes the sit is on the sidewalk. Oh Max.

Across the calle is a restaurante with both a Mexican and Cuban bandera hanging in it...thus the smile on Max's face.

Oh is not even 8am yet, and here comes the yawn series of fotos.

I am betting some of you, Bex included, yawned when you looked at those last fotos!

I liked the background in these next fotos, but really liked the expressions on Max's face as he watched the different vehicles drive by.

What? Fin de semana already? I think it is race day sábado and if the weather is good, maybe domingo will be a family playa day.

Have a great weekend.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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