sábado, el 13 de julio de 2013

Buenos noches and due to so many people asking me the same question, we will answer that first.

Here was the foto that led to the question.

And why does this perro have two different colored ojos?

Click HERE for the answer.

Ok, onto our día.

Max had a good sleep, up at 615am and then the boys prowled, ate our desayunos, had a quick 2nd prowl and then it was off to the alberca.

Bex is still fighting the gripe, so we let her sleep, even though we know she would be disappointed in having missed a familia swim.

But she was woken up by a lil’naked niño running around the bed, and that seems to have made up for the missed swim!!

So how is the familia? If Bex is not better on lunes, off to el doctor. Max seems to be a-ok…no sneezing and/or runny nose…score!! And the meds I took for my wrist have worked wonders!! Not only did I actually sleep through the night pain free, the swelling has been greatly reduced.

Still a sore wrist and I will keep the tensor bandage on, but much improved…phew!!

Back to the day. After getting some clothes on the lil’man, it was leche and siesta time and the boys were both lights out!!

A good siesta and then madre took over for the usual afternoon rutina…prowl to the mall, comida and then off to the playa…but Max was not into the olas today…huh?

I hit the gym and then off to Che…no leche this week…doph.

Made it home with time to putter around before starting the pre-cena rutina, getting the condo ready for the lil’guys PM.

Easy dinner…hola to Bubba burritos with real queso cheddar!! Easy clean up and it was nice to have a FT con Oma y Opa, one that we had audio and did not lose the connection 3 times!!

After the tina, off to bed and when The Whisperer came in to take over, he found the lil’man fast asleep…on top of his madre!!

I scooped him up, gave him some quick rocking and then plopped him into the cuna…lights out!!

And at 915pm, Max is asleep, padre is updating the blog and madre is taking a well deserved night off…sitting on the couch next to me and watching The Thomas Crown Affair!!

Let’s get to some fotos.

Max and I were on our early morning prowl and we spotted a senorita who works at Pemex, the national gas station, on her way to work.

I liked the lighting and the fact she carries her own window squeegee to work. She makes low wages and would be cleaning car windows hoping for a propina, tip.

Meanwhile, Max has decided to help the boys at the fruit store, by doing a little clean up.

Note what Max is wearing, and what the lil'niña in the background is wearing. What? Is it winter?

And what is on Max's wrist? He was concerned about the tensor bandage on my wrist, so we gave him his own taped wrist.

Off to SCA and at the door, instead of stopping t say hola to the caja, cashiers, Max has raced to the chip aisle. In unison, I heard 3 Mexicanos say "Sabritas" as they all know Max loves the marca Sabritas!!

Hey, not all Max's amigas are young.

I love watching Max prowl as he has not a care in the mundo, world.

Well, except his need to stop and check the llantas, tires, of every car, taxi, camion and autobus!!

And ensuring drivers have no blind, spots by adjusting their mirrors for them.

And then skipping onto his next assignment.

Tire pressure...low.


Padre, we have a bald one here!!

Onto the panificadora, bakery.

A few misc fotos...the driver of the Mercedes got the message loud and clear, and did not block the access to the sidewalk.

All you need is a rope, a tree and a lamp post. Ta-da, your tienda de ropa is open for business!!

Melons are in season.

Hola hola gatito.

Mañana? Hola to race domingo and maybe a familia playa trip?

Have a great domingo.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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