lunes, el 8 de julio de 2013

The look on Max's face tells you how he is feeling today...blah.

Our día short and sweet…we followed our usual rutinas for the AM, the afternoon and the PM.

Prowl, desayunos, Che run, family swim time, leche, siesta, comida, playa time con madre, leche, prowl, la cena, tina time, FT con Oma y Opa and then bed time.

The Whisperer was needed, but only for a short time and then the lil’guy was plopped into his cuna.

Oh oh…it is 9pm and already Max has needed some soothing. Doph.

That leads us to the Max health update. He still has a fever, but it seems to be slightly lower. He had a fair amount of energy this morning, but as the day wore on, so did he.

And by the time Max y madre went for the pre-cena prowl, due to having no energy, it had turned into a pre-cena carry.

Only one dose of Tylenol and hopefully that helps him sleep…fingers crossed. But t has already been decided that if mañana the lil’man is not back to his normal self, we will be off to the doctor. Stay tuned.


Best way to save energy...

Max spent 5 minutes watching a long and skinny bug walk along this wall, then go under the decorative rail and then down the back side of the wall.

Early morning funeral. They were actually walking the coffin around the centro.

The day after the municipal elections and we saw tons of peeps stop in the zocalo to look at these sheets of paper that were taped to the rails of the kiosko.

They were the results of the election.

Just about to head out to Che and to save time upon our return, Max was already in his surf outfit and ready for familia alberca time!!

Hey…Max can read!! At least he can read one word…his nombre, name!! He knows it when he sees my Max tattoo and he also knows it when madre writes his name down. Awesome!!

Mañana? See how the lil’amigo is and go from there. We do have a 10am cita with the hombre making the security bars for us. And we also need to get to the hospital to see if Max’s last vacuna is available. Stay tuned.

Have a great martes.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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