miercoles, el 24 de julio de 2013

Poppa asked me to smile for a foto!!

Buenos noches and hola hola from the enferma familia…the ill family. Doph.

Max has a runny nose, some congestion and we have confirmed he also has another ear inflammation. Argh…no alberca for 3 días as we give him some gotas in the ear.

Bex’s cold has returned and padre’s gripe has peaked and mañana I should be on the mend!! With all these issues, at least the issue with my wrist is less noticeable!!

As for the día…early start as the lil’guy (y Bex…doph) had a rough night and decided that trying to sleep was over rated…go for walk.

So off the boys went and even though the lil’guy is fighting the gripe, he was full o’energia!!

A long walk and then home for desayunos and then off to Che. No scores but we had fun and loaded up the cart for the next few days.

Max was now pooped and the bags under his eyes were getting bigger…but he was still being a trooper and insisting we “go for walk”.

Oh yes Max, go for walk upstairs, grab some leche and take a siesta!!

Good siesta and when we woke up, off to the local’s doctor…$30 pesos vs $400.

And while waiting for the doctor, Max and I had a quick prowl, which included Max going up to a group of strangers and giving their 3 year old niña a big hug. Oh Max loves abrazos!!

Quick visit with the doc and then off to find the meds and then onto the casa for our comida.

Due to the cold, I took the afternoon off and other then getting us set up for la cena and the PM rutina, I spent a short time at the alberca getting some sol.

The familia went to the Play Palace…$20 pesos for an hour of fun fun fun and a ton of toys.

They came home for leche and clean up, and Max and I read a few books prior to me cooking up some burgers for dinner.

Good eats, tina time, FT con the abuelos and then off to bed. More meds before Bex took the first shift…and The Whisperer was not needed as when he came downstairs, Bex was already leaving the bedroom. Score!!

Max’s cuna is propped up to help him breathe, but it is a bit laboured and he has already woken up twice…doph. Wish us luck!!

And that was our day.


Oh it was an early prowl!!

Max "Crazy Eyes" Van

I think this plant hypnotized him.

Max is triste, sad, because the peeps at Yamaha have removed Max's favorite poster...the one of his madre. Chicka pow pow.

Self portrait of the boys.

Off to Los Portales and Max where I find out Max has learned how to take a serviette and blow and wipe his own nose...score!!

Drip free...off to continue our prowl. 

Senor Muy Curio, Mr. Very Curious, knows not to touch the basura...but that does not mean he cannot look into the vaso, cup.

I think he might have stolen a sip of what was in the cup...oh Max.

Mañana…nurse the familia back to health.

Have a great jueves.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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